[R-SIG-Mac] How to Speed up R on the G5

Michael Redmond redmond at cs.wisc.edu
Mon Feb 7 17:10:13 CET 2005

I found an answer to my own question on combined IBM C and Fortran 
compilers. IBM makes a matching XL Fortran compiler to the XL C compiler 


This may be the same product as in the Absoft line, or it may be a 
little more specific and advanced for OS/X and IBM systems.

There is also a trial version, so it might be possible to see if there 
is benefits (and find all the glitches) with an XL Compiler 
implementation of R.


Thomas Lumley wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Jake Bowers wrote:
>> My first question is how to play with these different versions without
>> breaking my production version? That is, I don't want to have to
>> delete my currently working build of R-patched each time I want to run
>> a speed test.
> You can build R without installing it, as long as you don't want to use 
> the GUI.  For example, I have the current development version of R in 
> ~/R-devel/R and version 2.0.0 installed in /.
> Then use
>  ~/path/to/this/version/R CMD INSTALL thepackage
> to install the package.  Make sure you don't have an .Rprofile that 
> would put all the packages in the same place.
>> My second question is whether there are ways other than using
>> --with-blas="-framework vecLib", to take advantage of what I thought
>> was the power of the G5 (or dual G5s in my case).
> I haven't found anything very impressive yet (this is on an iMac G5, so 
> with much lower bus speed).
> I am planning to test the IBM (Absoft) compilers when I get time.  In 
> the past people have found that a good Fortran compiler can speed R up 
> noticeably (eg on Solaris).
>     -thomas
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