[R-SIG-Mac] look for difference b/w files

Sean Davis sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov
Fri Dec 30 12:37:45 CET 2005

On 12/30/05 3:29 AM, "Duncan Temple Lang" <duncan at wald.ucdavis.edu> wrote:

> Use the application diff from the shell
>   diff -c file1.R file2.R
>  D.
> Hai Lin wrote:
>> Dear R-Mac,
>>   I am using Mac OX 10.3 and I have Emacs+ESS installed.
>>   I try to find difference b/w two script files. I appreciate it if you
>> could kindly tell me how do I achieve it, either by some kind of Mac
>> applications or command in R. I did see someone running a statement on  Unix.
>>   By the way, thanks for everyone's recommendation on the editor in R-Mac .
>> I've installed Emacs on my machine.

Emacs has a diff built in.


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