[R-SIG-Mac] please recommend an editor (Hai Lin)

Tilo Blenk tilo.blenk at charite.de
Fri Dec 30 00:09:19 CET 2005

For the BBEdit/TextWrangler users.

If you do not use it already, you may find the following Applescript  

set selectedText to selection as string
tell application "R"
	cmd selectedText
end tell

It is very basic but it works. If you write some R code in BBEdit you  
can select some commands there, select the Applescript via the menu  
or a keyboard shortcut, and the commands are executed in the R console.

To create the script just open the script editor in BBEdit, copy the  
code into the editor, compile it, and save the script into '~/Library/ 
Application Support/BBEdit/Scripts/'. You will find the script in the  
Applescript menu. You may want to set a keyboard shortcut (Window >  
Palettes > Scripts menu and then Set Key).


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