[R-SIG-Mac] please recommend an editor

Julin Maloof jnmaloof at ucdavis.edu
Tue Dec 6 23:48:22 CET 2005

Right.  What I should have said is that I haven't found a carbon version of emacs or xemacs that I like as well as the X11 based xemacs. The last time I tried this was perhaps 6 months ago with Andrew Choi's port of Xemacs.  It was nice, but at that time window functions seemed to bog down with long files (scrolling, etc, I think...I can't remember its been a while).  And it seemed like Andrew might not be interested in continuing on the project.  I see, however, that he has.

Jan (or others) which carbon emacs or xemacs do you prefer? 



> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 09:25:10 -0800
> From: Jan de Leeuw <deleeuw at stat.ucla.edu>
> Subject: Re: [R-SIG-Mac] please recommend an editor
> To: R-SIG-Mac Mailing List <r-sig-mac at stat.math.ethz.ch>
> Message-ID: <FC754C44-D135-4290-A5AC-F2813F820152 at stat.ucla.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
> Not true. ESS works fine in the many versions of Carbon Emacs and in  
> the Carbon
> Xemacs.
> On Dec 6, 2005, at 08:00 , Julin Maloof wrote:
>> > For more serious tasks I use xemacs and emacs speaks statistics  
>> > http://ess.r-project.org/.  For this you will need to be running X11.
> ===
> Jan de Leeuw; Distinguished Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of  
> Statistics;
> Editor: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Statistical  
> Software
> US mail: 8130 Math Sciences Bldg, Box 951554, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1554
> phone (310)-825-9550;  fax (310)-206-5658;  email: deleeuw at stat.ucla.edu
> .mac: jdeleeuw ++++++  aim: deleeuwjan ++++++ skype: j_deleeuw
> homepages: http://gifi.stat.ucla.edu ++++++ http://www.cuddyvalley.org
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> -------------------------
>            No matter where you go, there you are. --- Buckaroo Banzai
>                     http://gifi.stat.ucla.edu/sounds/nomatter.au

Julin Maloof
Assistant Professor
Section of Plant Biology
University of California, Davis
1 Shields Ave
Davis, CA, 95616

voice: (530) 752-8077
fax:   (530) 752-5410

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