[R-SIG-Mac] Trying again: package for Growl Notifications

Byron Ellis ellis at stat.harvard.edu
Thu Dec 9 01:54:02 CET 2004

For some reason this never went out to the list last night, so I'll  
give it another shot (apologies if the original mysteriously appears):

I got tired of patching the GUI source tree so I wrapped up my Growl  
Notifications as a package. As an added bonus it also now works from  
command-line R as well (ESS, X11, etc) though it can't detect when the  
command-line R is active and suppress notifications. I also added a  
'growlnotify' function that lets you send an arbitrary notification  
message from R.

Sources at:


Binaries at:


built using R-devel (2004-11-30) on 10.3.6. It should work on any of  
the R GUIs since it patches R_Busy directly. I even documented things a  
little bit :-)

Look for:


If it seems like things are reasonable stable, I'll probably submit the  
package to CPAN at some point. Feedback appreciated.

P.S. Using hints from DTL's RObjectiveC makefile this package uses  
Objective-C without requiring a patched version of R's build scripts.  
With method swizzling, little packages have become my favored method of  
prototyping and providing GUI features for myself.... just in case  
y'all were interested :-)

Byron Ellis (ellis at stat.harvard.edu)
"Oook" -- The Librarian

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