[R-SIG-Mac] g77 on OS-X

Paul Rathouz prathouz at health.bsd.uchicago.edu
Wed Sep 24 08:42:14 MEST 2003

Hi All -- This is not really an R question, but has to do with the g77
(and gcc) compilers.

I am running OS-X 10.2 and am using g77 from the december 2002 developers'
tools (from apple), with the most recent gcc 3.3 compiler update (august,
2003).  i have a set fortran programs which i compile using g77.
compiling goes fine, but when i run the program it crashes (segmentation

the same progam compiles and runs fine on a sun machine running solaris.
the only difference with the sun machine compile is that it uses gcc
2.95.2.  however, when i try to compile on my mac with gcc 2.95.2, i get
the following:

% g77 -V 2.95.2 dmattool.f darraytool.f linpack.f
g77: installation problem, cannot exec `f771': No such file or directory
g77: installation problem, cannot exec `f771': No such file or directory
g77: installation problem, cannot exec `f771': No such file or directory

I doubt the problem is with the new gcc (versus 2.95), but I thought I
would rule that out.  Anyway, I am now stuck, so any suggestions would be

-- pr

Paul Rathouz, Asst. Professor        ph   773-834-1970
Dept. of Health Studies, Rm. W-264   fax  773-702-1979
University of Chicago                prathouz at health.bsd.uchicago.edu
5841 S. Maryland Ave. MC 2007
Chicago, IL  60637

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