[R-SIG-Mac]Problems installing packages for R 1.6.2 for MacOS X

Markus Ullius ullius at ivt.baug.ethz.ch
Thu Mar 6 08:11:20 MET 2003


I want to install R on MacOS X 10.2.4. For this I downloaded the 
Carbon-version 1.6.2. It runs without problem (just starting the 
For a script I have to install the chron package. I downloaded it and 
copied it into the library folder. Executing library() the 
chron-package is also listed.
Typing library(chron) I get the error:  Error in 
testRversion(descFile): This package has not been installed properly. 
See the note in ?library.

I tried install.packages() and got "Couldn't find function 

Then I downloaded the "Darwin-version" 1.5.1 and installed the 
packages. But when I start R in the terminal, I get messages about 
missing libraries. I read you should install Fink in this case which I 
did but it still doesn't run - I get library-version errors.

I also couldn't manage to compile R (Developer tools are installed)

Can anybody help me? How can I install a package correctly in the 
carbon version?
or how do I have do install/compile R for Unix?


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