David Strong
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 10:52:45 -0500
I am trying to adapt code for use in R 1.6 on a Mac in OS 10.2. The
program uses 'win.graph' to set plot size. What is the Mac equivalent?
I have searched where I can but no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is a snip of code where this is implemented.:
if (Gr.Avg)
if (Gr.Orient == 1) win.graph(width=8.5, height=11)
else win.graph(width=11, height=8.5)
par(mfrow=c(Gr.Rows, Gr.Cols), omi=c(.5,.5,.5,.5))
X.Values <- Curves[[1]][,1]
X.Range <- c(min(X.Values), max(X.Values))
Y.Values <- rep(0,length(X.Values))
for (i in 1:length(Curve.Info[,1]))
Y.Values <- Y.Values + Curves[[i]][,2]
Y.Values <- Y.Values / length(Curve.Info[,1])
Y.Range <- c(min(Y.Values), max(Y.Values))
P.Avg <- 1/((Y.Values[length(Y.Values)]/Y.Values[1]) + 1)
if (P.Avg < 0) P.Avg <- 0 # correct for possibilities of negative
values at extremes
if (P.Avg > 1) P.Avg <- 1
plot(X.Values, Y.Values, type = "p", pch = 16, ylim = Y.Range, xlim =
ylab = "Mean Difference", xlab = "Input")
lines(X.Values, Y.Values) # solid line for raw data only
mtext(paste("MAMBAC AVG CURVE, ",Data.Label),outer=T)