[R-SIG-Mac]What is r-atlas?
David J. Braden
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 00:13:08 -0500
Thanks to recent threads here and a *lot* of help from Jan, I am
learning how to set up my Mac (OS 10.1.5) to run R w/ XFree86. I'm
finking my way along a steep learning curve, have managed to get up to
version 1.5.1-1 through fink update-all.
(1) fink list "r-*" reveals file r-atlas. Should I install that in
addition to r-base and r-recommended?
(2) I have been seeing "atlas" crop up in other places. Does it have a
special significance within Unix?
Thanks to you all.
Dave Braden
On Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 01:45 AM, David J. Braden wrote:
> I agree with Stefan: the thread with Jean-Pierre, Don and Jan proved a
> big help to me as well. Thanks to that thread I was able to bootstrap
> my Mac into what I think is a working system (with OS-X 10.1.5,
> XDarwin, OroborOSX, etc.). I can run the compiled version of R 1.6.0
> just fine, but when I run R from a terminal session, executing demo(),
> I am getting version 1.4.1 (2002-01-30), in spite of latest fink
> update. Further, sometimes when I run it, output scrolls to the
> terminal window to a hilighted (END) followed by my cursor. Is this
> normal?
> Sorry for this; I'm trying, really I am...
> Dave Braden
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