[R-SIG-Mac]Re: Building R 1.6.1 on MacOS X 10.2

Jan de Leeuw deleeuw@stat.ucla.edu
Wed, 13 Nov 2002 10:46:36 -0800

I think dillo is too simple a browser and it does not know how to handle
the messages from R. You should switch to the GTK versions of galeon
or mozilla.

The GDK warnings are innocent. To get rid of them, just put
"unsetenv LANG" in your .cshrc.

On Wednesday, November 13, 2002, at 10:35 AM, Dennis A. Wolf wrote:

> I have installed dillo and R knows about it, however when I do
> help.start()
> I get
> Making links in per-session dir ...
> If /sw/bin/dillo is already running, it is *not* restarted, and you
>     must switch to its window.
> Otherwise, be patient ...
> >
> Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
> And when I do something like
> help(lm)
> another dillo window pops up with the about:splash dillo information  
> and nothing about lm. Regardless, I have a working R, and I can work  
> without this capability.
> Thanks again,
> Dennis A. Wolf, Ph.D.
> Computer Sciences and Mathematics Division
> Oak Ridge National Laboratory
> POB 2008, Building 6011, MS 6418
> Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6418
> phone: (865) 574-6326
> fax:   (865) 576-3513
> email: wolfda@ornl.gov
> On Wednesday, Nov 13, 2002, at 12:18 US/Eastern, Jan de Leeuw wrote:
>> getOption("browser")
>> either change to browser to some unix broser (fink has mozilla, amaya,
>> dillo, galeon), or make a link from /usr/bin/netscape to that browser
Jan de Leeuw; Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of Statistics;
Editor: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Statistical  
US mail: 9432 Boelter Hall, Box 951554, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1554
phone (310)-825-9550;  fax (310)-206-5658;  email: deleeuw@stat.ucla.edu
homepage: http://gifi.stat.ucla.edu
           No matter where you go, there you are. --- Buckaroo Banzai