[R-SIG-Mac]Problem building 1.5.0 from sources

Don MacQueen macq@llnl.gov
Thu, 16 May 2002 14:00:38 -0700

I'm not having much success here. Well, some.

As Luke suggested, building without tcltk is successful.

But I can't get tcltk support.

I have run fink selfupdate, and updated tcltk from fink:

lib[171]% fink list | grep tcl
     blt             2.4y-1      Toolkit for tcl/tk
  i  tcltk           8.3.3-6     Tcl (Tool Command Language, pronounced tick...

My "fink list" doesn't show tcltk-shlibs. Is it neccesary? Is it in unstable?

Here are more details. The bottom line is, I've tried a variety of 
configuration options, described below, but none have worked.

Perhaps someone could send me a copy of config.log from a successful 
build with tcltk support?


In config.site I have


In  /sw/lib there is plenty of tcl/tk stuff

lib[175]% pwd
lib[176]% ls *tcl*
libtcl.dylib@     libtclstub.a@    tclConfig.sh
libtcl8.3.dylib*  libtclstub8.3.a

./         history.tcl  ldAix       package.tcl   tclIndex
../        http1.0/     ldAout.tcl  parray.tcl    tcltest1.0/
auto.tcl   http2.3/     msgcat1.1/  safe.tcl      word.tcl
encoding/  init.tcl     opt0.4/     tclAppInit.c

/         history.tcl  ldAix       package.tcl   tclIndex
../        http1.0/     ldAout.tcl  parray.tcl    tcltest1.0/
auto.tcl   http2.3/     msgcat1.1/  safe.tcl      word.tcl
encoding/  init.tcl     opt0.4/     tclAppInit.c

I have tried it with and without these two configure options:

Something that doesn't look right is this, from config.log
despite having set them in config.site. Adding them to the configure 
command line changes those lines in config.log, but make still 
doesn't succeed.

Error messages in the output from make, like before, start with
cc -no-cpp-precomp -I../../../../include -I/sw/include 
-I/usr/X11R6/include -I/sw/include   -fno-common  -g -O2 -c 
../../../../../source/src/library/tcltk/src/tcltk.c -o tcltk.o
cc -bundle -bundle_loader ../../../../bin/R.bin  -o tcltk.so tcltk.o 
-L/sw/lib -lm
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:

Looking for some of the undefined symbols, they seem to be there, 
though I don't know what the "T" and "U" codes indicate.

lib[177]% nm libtcl.dylib | grep Tcl_CreateC
0000d5a8 T _Tcl_CreateCommand
00036500 T _Tcl_CreateChannel
0003ad80 T _Tcl_CreateChannelHandler
00035e5c T _Tcl_CreateCloseHandler
          U _Tcl_CreateCloseHandler
          U _Tcl_CreateCommand
          U _Tcl_CreateChannel
          U _Tcl_CreateChannelHandler
          U _Tcl_CreateCloseHandler
          U _Tcl_CreateCommand
          U _Tcl_CreateChannel
          U _Tcl_CreateChannel

lib[178]% nm libtcl.dylib | grep Tcl_CreateI
0000c840 T _Tcl_CreateInterp
          U _Tcl_CreateInterp
          U _Tcl_CreateInterp
          U _Tcl_CreateInterp

Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA