[R-SIG-Mac]Darwin R on a G3

David A Richmond richmond@saintmarys.edu
Sat, 9 Feb 2002 13:10:58 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Jan de Leeuw wrote:

> Downloading the compiled Darwin R-1.4.1 from CRAN is the fastest way to
> install. See the README if you get complaints about missing
> libraries.

Ok, I've downloaded Darwin R-1.4.1 from Cran and extracted it. I see three
folders: bin, lib, and man. In the terminal I see the /bin dir on my
machine's startup drive, but I don't see a lib or a man. I'm guessing I
put the contents of the bin folder in /bin. What do I do with the others?


|David Richmond                It works on a          |      
+ Dept. of Sociology          complex scientific      + 
|Saint Mary's College          principle, known as    |  
+ Notre Dame, IN 46556               "pot luck."      +
|574-284-4517                    - The Doctor         |