[R-SIG-Mac]R-1.3.1 for both MacOS version released (correct URLs)

Stefano Iacus jago@mclink.it
Mon, 3 Sep 2001 14:41:48 +0200

Version 1.3.1 of R(s) for MacOS have been released.

They will be mirrored starting from tomorrow at CRAN.

For the Carbon version (MacOS 8.6 to 9.2 and OSX) refer to


and for the Darwin/X11 version refer to


(this last was already announced by Jan de Leeuw and now mirrored at 

Stefano M. Iacus

What follows are specific changes to Carbon R.

* Added the "Config" menu
* Fixed a bug in the lapack module. Complex functions are now
* Added MPW makefiles to build standard libraries and modules
* Added experimental script to build R via Apple's MRC compiler
* Now R needs a new shared library "f2c" lib that will increase
   portability for all fortran based packages
* Added support for apple events. R begins to be a scriptable
   application. Very limited support by now but will increase soon.
   Some demo scripts have been added.
* link.html.help() function has been added by picking windows code.