[R-SIG-Mac]trouble using R CMD

David Firth david.firth@nuffield.oxford.ac.uk
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 15:56:18 +0100

I have recently begun using R 1.3.1 in Darwin/X11.  The Darwin I have 
is that which came with Mac OS 10.0.4.

My first experience with trying to use R CMD has not been a success. 
I am trying to index a package from its documentation, in the 
standard way:

[Localhost:lib/R/bin] david% echo $R_HOME
[localhost:lib/R/bin] david% echo $PATH
[localhost:lib/R/bin] david% echo $PERL5LIB
[localhost:lib/R/bin] david% echo $PERLLIB
PERLLIB: Undefined variable.
[localhost:lib/R/bin] david% which R
[localhost:lib/R/bin] david% which perl
[localhost:lib/R/bin] david% R CMD Rdindex ~/relimp/man/*.Rd > INDEX
/usr/local/lib/R/bin/Rcmd: command not found: Rdindex [37]
[localhost:lib/R/bin] david% pwd
[localhost:lib/R/bin] david% ls
BATCH      LINK       Rcmd       Rdconv     SHLIB      help
COMPILE    R          Rcmd~      Rdiff      Sd2Rd      libR.dylib
INDEX      R.bin      Rd2dvi     Rdindex    build      libtool
INSTALL    REMOVE     Rd2txt     Rprof      check      pager

R CMD appears to be unable to find "Rdindex".  Can anyone suggest 
what might be wrong?

I have various other packages installed using fink (and the fact that 
PERL5LIB is set to /sw/lib/perl5 is a symptom of that).  Could that 
be the cause?
