[R-SIG-Mac]R-1.4.0 MacOX/Darwin problem

Jan de Leeuw deleeuw@stat.ucla.edu
Mon, 31 Dec 2001 10:35:37 -0800


I do not have any of these problems, all your examples run fine. Could 
let ne know what Mac, and what Mac OS X you have ? One thing
I could imagine is that ATLAS uses Altivec instructions for single
operations, which means that these problems may occur CPU's
without Altivec. Maybe others could verify. Also, you do need OS X
version 10.1 at least, I think.

--- Jan

On Monday, December 31, 2001, at 09:38 AM, PETER CHEN wrote:

> Welcome to Darwin!
> [localhost:~] pc% R
> R : Copyright 2001, The R Development Core Team
> Version 1.4.0  (2001-12-19)
> R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
> You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
> Type `license()' or `licence()' for distribution details.
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> Type `q()' to quit R.
>> example(optim)
> optim> fr <- function(x) {
>    x1 <- x[1]
>    x2 <- x[2]
>    100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2
> }
> optim> grr <- function(x) {
>    x1 <- x[1]
>    x2 <- x[2]
>    c(-400 * x1 * (x2 - x1 * x1) - 2 * (1 - x1), 200 * (x2 -
>        x1 * x1))
> }
> optim> optim(c(-1.2, 1), fr)
> $par
> [1] 1.000260 1.000506
> $value
> [1] 8.825241e-08
> $counts
> function gradient
>     195       NA
> $convergence
> [1] 0
> $message
> optim> optim(c(-1.2, 1), fr, grr, method = "BFGS")
> $par
> [1] 1 1
> $value
> [1] 9.594955e-18
> $counts
> function gradient
>     110       43
> $convergence
> [1] 0
> $message
> optim> optim(c(-1.2, 1), fr, NULL, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
> $par
> [1] 0.9998044 0.9996084
> $value
> [1] 3.827383e-08
> $counts
> function gradient
>     120       38
> $convergence
> [1] 0
> $message
> $hessian
>          [,1]      [,2]
> [1,]  801.6881 -399.9218
> [2,] -399.9218  200.0000
> optim> optim(c(-1.2, 1), fr, grr, method = "CG")
> $par
> [1] 1 1
> $value
> [1] 4.509718e-17
> $counts
> function gradient
>     156       41
> $convergence
> [1] 0
> $message
> optim> optim(c(-1.2, 1), fr, grr, method = "CG", control = list(type = 
> 2))
> $par
> [1] 1 1
> $value
> [1] 7.111235e-18
> $counts
> function gradient
>     139       33
> $convergence
> [1] 0
> $message
> optim> optim(c(-1.2, 1), fr, grr, method = "L-BFGS-B")
> Illegal instruction
> [localhost:~] pc%
> This just one of examples.
> Peter
>> From: Jan de Leeuw <deleeuw@stat.ucla.edu>
>> To: "PETER CHEN" <mcpchen@hotmail.com>
>> CC: R-SIG-Mac@stat.math.ethz.ch
>> Subject: Re: [R-SIG-Mac]R-1.4.0 MacOX/Darwin problem
>> Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 09:12:02 -0800
>> Could you be a tiny bit more specific ? What were the commands and how
>> did they fail ?
>> --- Jan
>> On Monday, December 31, 2001, at 08:52 AM, PETER CHEN wrote:
>>> I ran examples "optim", library(nlme), etc. I got the message "Illegal
>>> instruction" and R stop. What does it mean?
>>> Peter Chen
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Jan de Leeuw; Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of Statistics;
US mail: 9432 Boelter Hall, Box 951554, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1554
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           No matter where you go, there you are. --- Buckaroo Banzai
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