[R-jobs] Professorship Computational Statistics

Torsten Hothorn Tor@ten@Hothorn @end|ng |rom R-project@org
Mon Sep 5 13:47:18 CEST 2011

The Department of Statistics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and
Statistics of the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich invites
applications for a

 	Professorship (W2) (6 years/tenure track)
 	for Statistics with Special Emphasis on Computational Statistics

as soon as possible.

The professorship represents the entire field of computational statistics in
research and teaching. Specialized lectures with an emphasis on computer
intensive methods and computational statistics for statistics students are
required. Teaching duties also include further lectures for students. In
research, an emphasis on modern methods of computational statistics is
expected, also with a focus on the implementation of statistical methods in
statistical programming environments. Research questions addressed should
have the potential for the acquisition of third party funding. Collaboration
with the statistical consulting unit (StaBLab) and the Center for Empirical
Studies (CEST) is highly appreciated.

Prerequisites for this position are a university degree, a doctoral degree,
teaching skills at university level and a post-doctoral degree
(Habilitation) or equivalent qualification that may have been gained outside
the university or may consist of a junior professorship.

The initial appointment will be for six years. After a minimum of three
years it may be converted to tenure pending a positive evaluation of the
candidate’s aptitude for teaching and research as well as the candidate’s
pedagogical and personal aptitude if all legal conditions are met. In
exceptional cases involving candidates with outstanding qualifications, a
tenured position may be offered from the outset.

Candidates for this position should be aged 52 or under at the time of
appointment. Exceptions thereto may be considered in the case of outstanding

The University of Munich is an equal opportunity employer and aims to
increase the number of female faculty members. Therefore, applications from
female candidates are explicitly encouraged.

Disabled candidates with essentially equal qualifications will be given

The University supports dual career couples.

Please submit your application comprising a curriculum vitae, documentation
of academic degrees and certificates as well as a list of publications to
the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics,
Theresienstr. 39, D - 80333 Munich, Germany, no later than 6 October 2011.

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