[R-sig-ins] ChainLadder version 0.2.1 released on CRAN

Markus Gesmann markus.gesmann at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 13 08:05:11 CEST 2015

Version 0.2.1 of the ChainLadder package for claims reserving has been pushed to CRAN (http://cran.at.r-project.org/package=ChainLadder):


  o New function PaidIncurredChain by Fabio Concina, based on the
     2010 Merz & Wuthrich paper Paid-incurred chain claims reserving method

  o plot.MackChainLadder and plot.BootChainLadder gained new argument     
     'which', allowing users to specify which sub-plot to display. 
     Thanks to Christophe Dutang for this suggestion.
  o Updated NAMESPACE file to comply with new R CMD checks in R-3.3.0
  o Removed package dependencies on grDevices and Hmisc
  o Expanded package vignette with new paragraph on importing spreadsheet
     data, a new section "Paid-Incurred Chain Model" and an added example for
     a full claims development picture in the "One Year Claims Development
     Result" section.

Binary versions of the package will appear on the various CRAN mirrors over the 
next couple of days. Alternatively you can install ChainLadder directly from 
GitHub (https://github.com/mages/ChainLadder) using the following R commands:

install.packages(c(“systemfit”, “actuar", "statmod", "tweedie", "devtools"))

Completely new to ChainLadder? Start with the package vignette:

Markus Gesmann
Blog: www.magesblog.com

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