[R-sig-hpc] ff: "aggregate" function for ff matrix ?

Jens Oehlschlägel jens.oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com
Fri Feb 11 14:59:47 CET 2011

Dear Clem,

>Thank you very much for your advise. For the moment, working 
>successively with a few number of columns at a time and applying the 
>traditional "aggregate" function is the solution that I have tried. It 
>takes a while but it works fine. 

Reading complete columns at once gets the fastest throughput in ff. If not aggregate is the bottleneck, to speed this up you probably need faster/more RAID0 disks. 
Note that an ffdf can have its columns spread over multiple disks, but so far [.ffdf will not read in parallel. However, you can exctract columns in parallel using snowfall.

> By the way, do you have a simple 
>suggestion how to apply this aggregation approach in parallel on several 
>nodes based on the original ff matrix?

There are examples with snowfall on http://ff.r-forge.r-project.org/.
Check the UseR!2009 and the 2010 presentation. 
Keep in mind that this will speed-up your calculation if CPU is the bottleneck. If I/O is the bottleneck, parallel execution only helps if you manage to work in parallel on parallel disks.
Also keep in mind that more processes in parallel need more RAM.

Kind regards

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