[R-sig-hpc] Problem creating a package with high-resolution timer

Jens Oehlschlägel jens.oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com
Thu Feb 3 13:17:01 CET 2011

Dear experts,

I am trying to INSTALL to R-2.12.1 a package with a high-resolution time (timer_gettime and friends).
I learned that I need to compile with the real time option "gcc -lrc" and on my 64bit ubuntu 10.04 this 
works if compling a C program standalone. I compiled R and my package with this option, but still I get at the end of the package INSTALL

Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
  unable to load shared object '/usr/local/lib64/R/library/mypackage/libs/mypackage.so':
  /usr/local/lib64/R/library/mypackage/libs/mypackage.so: undefined symbol: timer_settime
ERROR: loading failed

Any idea?

Jens Oehlschlägel

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