[R-sig-hpc] run parallel R sessions

Prasenjit Kapat kapatp at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 17:06:32 CET 2010


Looking for suggestions to run parallel R sessions. Consider the
following setup:

params.R: this file sets up a few simulation parameters which I
generally modify manually
funs.R: collection of functions needed for the simulation
script.R: runs the main simulation using the parameters defined in
params.R and the functions in funs.R

There are two parameters, say, a, b (defined in params.R) for which I
want to run (in parallel) the simulation over a large number of
possible values. Suppose the simulation code (script.R) produces a
list. I would like to collect all these lists and then do some more
investigation of some of the simulation output over the grid of a x b

How, do you suggest, should I go about implementing this? I would
prefer that the R thread/process for (a_i, b_j) NOT interact (ie not
share any data) with that for (a_m, b_n).

Thanks for any help,

The compute servers are 64bit RedHat EL 5.5 running R 2.11.1 (8 cores)

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