[R-sig-hpc] Munich R Course - Parallel Computing with R

Markus Schmidberger schmidb at ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de
Thu Feb 18 15:15:43 CET 2010

Dear R users,

at March 15. & 16. there will be an R course for 'Parallel Computing 
with R' in Munich at the super computer center. The course is part of 
the Munich R Course series and gives an introduction to parallel 
computing with R. Especially the R packages snow, snowfall, multicore, 
nws and Rmpi will be used. The course is a hands-on tutorial with a lot 
of different examples. Furthermore, for exercises the super computer 
HLRB2 at the LRZ can be used.

Currently there are still vacancies. The course will be held in German. 
Further information at http://www.stat.uni-muenchen.de/R/inhalte.html#K3

Best regards
Markus Schmidberger

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