[R-sig-hpc] help with Rmpi please

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Wed Oct 21 23:54:27 CEST 2009

On 21 October 2009 at 17:31, Li, Xiaochun wrote:
| Dear list,
| Tips are appreciated - I'm not able to run this example found in Dirk's UseR! 2008 tutorial:
| $ more hello.R
| #!/usr/bin/env r
| library(Rmpi)
| rk <- mpi.comm.rank(0)
| sz <- mpi.comm.size(0)
| name <- mpi.get.processor.name()
| cat("Hello, rank",rk,"size",sz,"on",name, "\n")
| and this is what I issued and got:
| $ ~/OMOP/ParEg005> orterun -n 8 -H b005, b006,b007,b008 ~/OMOP/ParEg005/hello.R
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Failed to find the following executable:
| Host:       b005
| Executable: b006,b007,b008
| Cannot continue.
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------

The error message gives it away: b005 is separate from b0006 to b0008 -- you
added an accidental 'space' which made orterun think that b006,b007,b0008 was
an executable.  

So try this:

      $ orterun -n 8 -H b005,b006,b007,b008 ~/OMOP/ParEg005/hello.R


Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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