[R-sig-hpc] ff and parallel computing (multiple nodes, shared disk)

Ramon Diaz-Uriarte rdiaz02 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 19:51:15 CET 2009

Dear Benilton,

Thanks for your comments.

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Benilton Carvalho <bcarvalh at jhsph.edu> wrote:
> Ramon,
> I've been investigating solutions for something similar.
> I wrote my own code to use NetCDF, which doesn't perform well when I need
> random access to the data.
> I while back, I also tried something using SQLite, which didn't work well
> either, but I fail to remember the specifics.

OK, I won't go through those paths, then.

> I'm currently "playing" with ff and bigmemory. The limitations I observed
> were that ff objects have max length limited to .Machine$integer.max,
> 2^31-1, and that, currently, bigmemory does not behave as expected on my
> Leopard machine when I run "R --arch x86_64" and create a huge object.

bigmemory is really neat, but does not fit what I am trying to do: it
would not work if I want to acess the very same elements across

> About the 2^31-1 limit: each column of datasets I handle are often 6.5e6
> elements long; therefore, I'd have "only" 330 columns per ff object (my
> situation requires me to be ready for thousands columns). This would require
> me to create several ff objects, which is not currently an option.

The limits are so far OK for me. In addition, I could also use an ffdf
object, which, if I undersand, could be used to overcome those limits
(as you can have an arbitrary number of ff components).

Anyway, thanks for pointing that out. I need to make sure I do not
accidentally cross the size limits of ff objects.

> So, let me know if you come up with a compromise and I'll let you know if I
> come across anything relevant.

I'll do.



> Cheers,
> b
> On Nov 11, 2009, at 2:43 PM, Ramon Diaz-Uriarte wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I am considering using ff for processing medium-sized data sets in a
>> computer cluster (distributed memory), with shared disk space. The
>> presentation by the ff authors in
>> http://ff.r-forge.r-project.org/ff&bit_UseR!2009.pdf
>> shows examples of using ff with snowfall on a multicore machine but
>> not over several machines.
>> I have been playing with ff and it seems possible to read ff and ffdf
>> objects over several nodes. It seems it is also possible to safely put
>> together an ffdf object which has been created by columns in different
>> nodes. I am pasting code below (you'd only need to replace the name of
>> the shared directory).
>> I'd appreciate comments, suggestions, and alternatives (on P.S.2 I
>> provide some further details on intended usage and other alternatives
>> I've looked at).
>> Best,
>> R.
>> P.S. I am CC'ing Jens Oehlschlaegel, the maintainer of ff, since I do
>> not know if he reads this list.
>> P.S.2. The data, in a single RData, can take from 500 MB to 4 GB,
>> which is more than any one process should use. I plan to use between
>> 20 and 30 nodes, each with two dual-core Opteron CPUs.
>> I do not think a DB solution is warranted here: the original data
>> (floats) are in a flat text file, where columns are samples, and we do
>> the processing by sample (or in chunks withing sample). The data are
>> used twice: first for the analysis and then for the plotting (which
>> uses the original data + the output from analysis).  And we are done.
>> Almost always, processing is carried out non-interactively.
>> Up to now I've been using papply, but I am running into large memory
>> consumption because of the creation of intermediate lists. Moreover,
>> I'd rather avoid sending a lot of data via MPI (our network is less
>> than ideal) ---yes, sure, the shared space also needs to use a switch.
>> Finally, if intermediate results are stored in the disk, I can recover
>> from network errors and MPI crashes.
>> One approach would be to break down the original data set in
>> individual "RData" files, and load each one as needed in the slaves.
>> But this seems like reinventing the wheel, I doubt I'd write efficient
>> code, it clutters the disk, and "load"ing adds time. I also looked at
>> the package "BufferedMatrix" (in BioC), which seemd ideal, but
>> currently "you can not save and reload a BufferedMatrix between R
>> sessions", which I think excludes it for my intended usage.
>> *********************************************************
>> ## LAM-MPI universe booted, etc.
>> ## 4 nodes, each in a different machine
>> library(ff)
>> library(snowfall)
>> ## Names for dirs and files
>> mydir <- "/http/tmp"
>> fn1 <- "t1"
>> fn2 <- "t2"
>> fn3 <- "t3"
>> fullname1 <- paste(mydir, fn1, sep = "/")
>> fullname2 <- paste(mydir, fn2, sep = "/")
>> fullname3 <- paste(mydir, fn3, sep = "/")
>> sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = 4, type = "MPI")
>> sfLibrary(ff)
>> sfClusterSetupRNG(type = "SPRNG")
>> sfExport("mydir")
>> setwd(mydir)
>> sfClusterEval(setwd(mydir))
>> ## To know where things happen
>> sfClusterApply(1:4, function(i) assign("nodenum", i, env = .GlobalEnv))
>> ##   Getting values of ff object in slaves
>> x1 <- ff(1:60, dim = c(4, 15), filename = fullname1)
>> close(x1)
>> save(file = "x1.RData", x1)
>> ## Acessing values; read-only
>> sfClusterEval(load("x1.RData"))
>> sfClusterEval(open(x1, readonly = TRUE))
>> sfClusterApplyLB(1:15, function(i) {list(nodenum = nodenum, values = x1[,
>> i])})
>> sfClusterEval(close(x1))
>> ##### I think it is OK to change in place if stored as ffdf:
>> ### each column is a different file
>> ## a) Create ffdf in master, send to nodes, modify there
>> ## I use pattern here, and not latter, to avoid 'Invalid cross-device
>> link'
>> ## if R binary and filename are in different disks
>> x2 <- ffdf(c1 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c2 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c3 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c4 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c5 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c4 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c7 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c8 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c9 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c10 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c11 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c12 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c13 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c14 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2),
>>          c15 = ff(length = 4, vmode = "double", pattern = fullname2))
>> close(x2)
>> save(file = "x2.RData", x2)
>> sfClusterEval(load("x2.RData"))
>> sfClusterEval(open(x2))
>> ## The following is, of course, non-deterministic. Just to see it
>> ## working.
>> sfClusterApplyLB(1:15, function(i) x2[, i] <- rep(nodenum, 4))
>> sfClusterEval(close(x2))
>> rm(x2)
>> load("x2.RData")
>> open(x2)
>> x2[, ] ## changes are stored
>> ## b) Create ff object in nodes, and put together as ffdf in master
>> ##    Note that we pass the object back as the return of sfClusterApplyLB
>> ##    In contrast, in a) we do not pass anything back from
>> ##    sfClusterApplyLB, but leave it in the disk.
>> sfExport("fullname3")
>> createAndClose <- function(i) {
>>  nameobj <- paste("ffpiece", i, sep = "")
>>  assign(nameobj,
>>        ff(rep(nodenum, 4), pattern = fullname3))
>>  close(get(nameobj))
>>  return(get(nameobj))
>> }
>> list.ff <- sfClusterApplyLB(1:15, createAndClose)
>> ## put together ffdf
>> ## x3 <- ffdf(list.ff[[1]], list.ff[[2]], list.ff[[3]]) ## etc ...
>> eval(parse(text = paste("x3 <- ffdf(", paste("list.ff[[", 1:15, "]]",
>>            sep = "", collapse = ", "), ")")))
>> open(x3)
>> x3
>> --
>> Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
>> Structural Biology and Biocomputing Programme
>> Spanish National Cancer Centre (CNIO)
>> http://ligarto.org/rdiaz
>> Phone: +34-91-732-8000 ext. 3019
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Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
Structural Biology and Biocomputing Programme
Spanish National Cancer Centre (CNIO)
Phone: +34-91-732-8000 ext. 3019

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