[R-gui] Deducer 0.4-1 and JGR 1.7-2 released

Ian Fellows ian.fellows at stat.ucla.edu
Sat Sep 25 19:01:10 CEST 2010

Hi All,

I would like to announce the release of Deducer 0.4-1 and JGR 1.7-2 to CRAN. The updates should be propagating through the mirrors over the next few days. On the Deducer side we have a number of nice improvements:

1. A new Text Field Widget for plug-ins is included, which is better suited for entering/displaying numeric and short string fields than TextAreaWidget.
2. A new Object Chooser Widget is included, which allows the user to select an object from their workspace, possibly of a specific class.
3. Fixed combobox bug on Mac OS 64-bit.
4. Factor editor and Recode dialog handle empty strings.
5. Created menu items for common plotting templates.

The new JGR includes stability fixes along with a few new features.

Bug fixes:
1. Fixed MacOS JavaGD resize deadlock bug
2. Fixed 100% CPU on start-up bug reported on some UNIX systems.
3. Interrupt R button fixed on unix systems 

New Features:
1. Graphics device save support for png, jpeg, bmp, and tiff
2. User control over the menu system has been improved. Added ability to insert new menus, menu items, separators, and sub-menus. Menus and menu items can also be removed.

Ian Fellows

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