[R-gui] gWidgets: several statusbars per window?

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 16:10:02 CET 2010

Dear all
I would like to have one "status area" per container, hence several in
a window. The problem with gstatusbar() is that it can only be
attached to a window, and the result is not very clean. Please see the
code below.

Is there a way to attach a "status area" to a container? Thank you

count.mv.int <- function(x, start=1, end=2){
    assign("i", x, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    print(paste("i = ", i))
    return(paste("i = ", i))
count.mv.int(2); i

count.mv.let <- function(x, start=1, end=4){
    assign("l", letters[x], envir = .GlobalEnv)
    print(paste("l = ", l))
    return(paste("l = ", l))
count.mv.let(3); l

count.pop4 <- function(fun=c("count.mv.int", "count.mv.let")){
    w <- gwindow(paste("Counters (lapply)"))
    g <- ggroup(cont=w, horizontal=T)
    x.fun <- function(k){
        x.cont <- paste("g", i, sep="")
        assign(x.cont, ggroup(cont=g, horizontal=FALSE))
        glabel(paste("'", fun[k], "'", sep=""), cont=get(x.cont))
        x.handl <- paste("h", i, sep="")
        assign(x.handl, function(h,...){
            eval(parse(text=paste("svalue(sb) <- ", fun[k],
"(svalue(h$obj))", sep="")))
#            svalue(sb) <- paste(svalue(h$obj))
        x.sl <- paste("s", i, sep="")
        assign(x.sl, gslider(from=formals(fun[k])$start,
                by=1, cont=get(x.cont), handler=get(x.handl)))
        gseparator(horizontal=FALSE, cont=g, expand=TRUE)
        sb <- gstatusbar(paste(fun[k]), cont=w)
    lapply(1:length(fun) , x.fun)
## the two "status bars" will be stacked at the bottom,
## while perfectly I would prefer a "status area" below each slider

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