[R-gui] tcltk notebook question: Accessing tabs in ttknotebooks

Ulrike Grömping groemping at bht-berlin.de
Tue May 5 19:33:14 CEST 2009

Dear John, dear all,

while John's solution helped nicely for modifying the state of a tab, I 
am again stuck with selecting a tab. I've managed to capture the tabs 
numeric id (0-based). But using tkselect or tcl does not get me where I 
want. The code below shows a simplified version of what I tried:

        Rcmdr.new.FrF2()     ## displays a window that contains a 
notebook (named tn) with 6 tabs
                             ## and the first tab selected with one 
widget having the focus
        tcl(tn, "select", 1) ## for selecting the second tab; produces 
an error and leaves first tab selected

Error message:
Error in structure(.External("dotTclObjv", objv, PACKAGE = "tcltk"), 
class = "tclObj") :
  [tcl] invalid command name ".179.1"

What am I doing wrong ? Again, any help is appreciated!

Regards, Ulrike

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