[R-gui] tk2mclistbox problem

M. Tempelhagen m.tempelhagen at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 19 21:20:54 CET 2009


I´m working with the tcltk2 package and everything works fine. But since 
R 2.7 my tk2mclistboxe produce an "tk application error".
I try the standard tk2mclistbox example from the tcltk2 documentation
tt2 <- tktoplevel()
mlb <- tk2mclistbox(tt2, width = 55, resizablecolumns = TRUE)
# Define the columns
tk2column(mlb, "add", "name", label = "First name", width = 20)
tk2column(mlb, "add", "lastname", label = "Last name", width = 20)
tk2column(mlb, "add", "org", label = "Organisation", width = 15)
# Fill the multicolumn list (we can use a vector, or a matrix of 
character strings)
item1 <- c("Bryan", "Oackley", "ChannelPoint")
items <- matrix(c("John", "Ousterhout", "Scriptics",
"Steve", "Miller", "TclTk inc."), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
tk2insert.multi(mlb, "end", item1)
tk2insert.multi(mlb, "end", items)
#### TO DO: bind events
# Ex: .listbox label bind date <ButtonPress-1> "sortByDate
# See the example.tcl in .\libs\mclistbox1.02 for a more complex example
# Create a button to close the dialog box
but <- tk2button(tt2, text = "OK", width = 10,
command = function() tkdestroy(tt2))

whenever I click in one of the columns the following message occurs on 
the screen


unknown option "-state"; must be one of -background, -bd, -bg, 
-borderwidth, -columnbd, -columnborderwidth, -columnrelief, -cursor, 
-exportselection, -fg, -fillcolumn, -font, -foreground, -height, 
-highlightbackground, -highlightcolor, -highlightthickness, 
-labelanchor, -labelbackground, -labelbd, -labelbg, -labelborderwidth, 
-labelfg, -labelfont, -labelforeground, -labelheight, -labelimage, 
-labelrelief, -labels, -relief, -resizablecolumns, -selectbackground, 
-selectborderwidth, -selectcommand, -selectforeground, -selectmode, 
-setgrid, -takefocus, -width, -xscrollcommand or -yscrollcommand
while executing
"error "unknown $object \"$opt\"; must be one of $choices""
(procedure "::mclistbox::Canonize" line 93)
invoked from within
"::mclistbox::Canonize $w option [lindex $args 0]"
(procedure "::mclistbox::WidgetProc" line 211)
invoked from within
"::mclistbox::WidgetProc .1.1 cget -state"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval ::mclistbox::WidgetProc {.1.1} $command $args"
(procedure ".1.1" line 1)
invoked from within
"$w cget -state"
(procedure "tk::ListboxBeginSelect" line 18)
invoked from within
"tk::ListboxBeginSelect [::mclistbox::convert .1.1.framelastname.listbox 
-W] [[::mclistbox::convert .1.1.framelastname.listbox -W] index 
invoked from within
"if {[winfo exists [::mclistbox::convert .1.1.framelastname.listbox -W]]} {
tk::ListboxBeginSelect [::mclistbox::convert .1.1.framelastname.listbox 
(command bound to event) 

and I have to skip the message to continue. This problem occurs with R 
2.7 & 2.8 on Windows XP and Windows Vista.
So here are my questions
1. Is there any option to switch off the message permanently ?
2. Does anybody know how to solve the problem, because I don´t want to 
edit all my applications

best regards

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