[R-gui] gwidgets - what arguments are possible?

Mark Heckmann mark.heckmann at gmx.de
Fri Dec 18 12:17:39 CET 2009

Hi all,

1) is there a way to change the color or font size/type in gbuttons  
and other widgets etc.?
it is pointed out that font size can be changed globally by editing  
the ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file.

Is there a way to do it dynamically, like

button <- gbutton("Hello world", container=group_2, font.attr=list 

which does not work?

What I would like is my buttons to change color according to some value.

2) If not in gwidgets, is it possible via the RGtk2 package (have not  
used it yet directly)?

Thanks in advance!

Mark Heckmann
Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. cand. Psych.
Vorstraße 93 B01
28359 Bremen
Blog: www.markheckmann.de
R-Blog: http://ryouready.wordpress.com

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