[R-gui] R GUI editor window - help field does not return the help topic.

Yan ALPEROVYCH y.alperovych at ulg.ac.be
Tue Dec 15 18:26:41 CET 2009

Hello everyone, 

I am not sure if I am at the right place to put this question, so don't hesitate to redirect me to the correct mailing list. My question is about the editor window under the R GUI on Mac OS 10.6.2. Before the upgrade to R 2.10.1 with GUI 1.31, I was able to call for the help topics from the spotlight-like help field in the upper right corner of the editor. Now it only returns me a blank box, which still slides as before, but the help topic is missing. Is this a frequent problem or is it related to my specific computer? And if it's a general issue, is there some solution please?

Thank you for the replies or possible indications on where can I find more hints.

Financial Management, FRFC-FNRS Fellow
HEC-ULg Management School
Tel.: 	+32(4)/232.74.30
GSM:  	+32(4)/ 
E-mail: 	y.alperovych at ulg.ac.be

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