[R-gui] Tinn-R released

Jose Claudio Faria joseclaudio.faria at terra.com.br
Tue Oct 3 17:51:08 CEST 2006

Dear Tinn-R user,

We would like to announce that a new version of the Tinn-R for Windows
( was released and is available on SourceForge server:

Tinn-R is a R script editor under OS Windows.

To see the changes, please, read: 'Help//English/Readme/HTML'.

Shortly it will be available also on SciViews server: http://www.sciviews.org/Tinn-R

Changes: (Oct/03/2006)

  - Small bug related to Spell, that always broken when found
    '<' or '<-' symbol, was fixed. The origin of this bug was
    a component conflict (hard coded) among the HTML
    brackets, declared as below:

    OpenBracket: array[THTMLBracket] of PChar=('<', '<!--', '<%');
    CloseBracket: array[THTMLBracket] of PChar=('>', '-->', '%>');

    and the R assign symbols: '<-', '<<-', '->' and '->>'

    So, if any file has HTML syntax (with any tags above) all
    text among the declared brackets is free of speller. We
    think it is now nice.

  - Small bug associated to Project/Close entire project was

Tinn-R team

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