[R-gui] pseudo radiobutton from check boxes

Adrian DUSA adi at roda.ro
Sun May 28 15:45:05 CEST 2006

Dear list members,

I have a question related to tcltk programming. I'd like to create 4 check 
boxes with different options; that's easy, but I want the 4th option to 
deactivate the first three and viceversa: if any of the first three check 
boxes has been activated, this should deactivate the fourth check box.

I've written a draft code below, but I feel I misunderstand the usage of 
"command". In my mind, this is only activated when the user presses the 
button with the mouse. Instead, it seems like the command is activated each 
time when the button chages its state. Is there another option I could use 
for this purpose?

Thank you in advance,

top <- tktoplevel()

cbOptions <- c("option1", "option2", "option3", "option4")
cbLabels <- c("Option A:", "Option B:", "Option C:", "Option D:")
initialValues <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
cbVariable <- tclVar("0")

option13Command <- function() {
    tkconfigure(option4CB, variable=cbVariable)

option4Command <- function() {
    tkconfigure(option1CB, variable=cbVariable)
    tkconfigure(option2CB, variable=cbVariable)
    tkconfigure(option3CB, variable=cbVariable)

option1CB <- tkcheckbutton(top)
option1Variable <- tclVar(initialValues[1])
tkconfigure(option1CB, variable=option1Variable, command=option13Command)
tkgrid(tklabel(top, text=cbLabels[1]), option1CB, sticky="e")

option2CB <- tkcheckbutton(top)
option2Variable <- tclVar(initialValues[2])
tkconfigure(option2CB, variable=option2Variable, command=option13Command)
tkgrid(tklabel(top, text=cbLabels[2]), option2CB, sticky="e")

option3CB <- tkcheckbutton(top)
option3Variable <- tclVar(initialValues[3])
tkconfigure(option3CB, variable=option3Variable, command=option13Command)
tkgrid(tklabel(top, text=cbLabels[3]), option3CB, sticky="e")

option4CB <- tkcheckbutton(top)
option4Variable <- tclVar(initialValues[4])
tkconfigure(option4CB, variable=option4Variable, command=option4Command)
tkgrid(tklabel(top, text=cbLabels[4]), option4CB, sticky="e")

Adrian DUSA
Romanian Social Data Archive
1, Schitu Magureanu Bd
050025 Bucharest sector 5
Tel./Fax: +40 21 3126618 \
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