[R-gui] Platform-independent GUI for R... again

A.J. Rossini blindglobe at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 08:54:35 CET 2004

I'm quite stalled on work until I settle into a permanent flat in late
december  (I just relocated to Basel, Switzerland), but at that point
I'll have a bit of time to finish up some of the IDE work that I've
coded bits and pieces for.


On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 17:05:48 +0100, Philippe Grosjean
<phgrosjean at sciviews.org> wrote:
> A.J. Rossini wrote:
> > No, you can build it.  There are a number of variations on
> > the theme, ranging from using Emacs widgets (as David
> > mentioned), to using R/S-PLUS as the backend for a
> > spreadsheet within Emacs (old, old work), to using ESS to
> > instantiate tcl/tk GUIs, to whatever.
> >
> > Just use your imagination ;-).
> Is anybody actually working on some GUI implementations using Emacs-ESS,
> besides your trials, David, and your suggestions, Tony?
> I think it should be possible to make a mix between Emacs-ESS and its
> numerous potentials, and my GUI API for R, together with a little bit of
> tcltk. The priority would be to make Emacs-ESS more accessible and less
> intimidating for beginners (by hiding less used functions, by adding more
> toolbar buttons, by facilitating installation -John Fox's page about
> installing Emacs-ESS under Windows goes in this direction-...), then to
> implement something like an object explorer, a views display (in an Emacs
> buffer?), and the equivalent of the "docking windows" in SciViews R Console
> which displays menus/electronic reference cards/graph galeries/etc...
> I would be happy to collaborate with anybody willing to do so, but for now,
> I have too much work concentrating on the finalization of the R GUI API to
> start this myself. As I said, I know really too little about Emacs to be
> able to start such an entreprise alone.
> > But in all seriousness, it's not nearly as limiting as you
> > are imagining, and much more flexible than most of the
> > examples you've given.  There is always the problem of
> > coding, though...
> Best,
> Philippe



A.J. Rossini
blindglobe at gmail.com

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