[R-gui] Platform-independent GUI for R... again

A.J. Rossini blindglobe at gmail.com
Tue Nov 9 16:48:44 CET 2004

No, you can build it.  There are a number of variations on the theme,
ranging from using Emacs widgets (as David mentioned), to using
R/S-PLUS as the backend for a spreadsheet within Emacs (old, old
work), to using ESS to instantiate tcl/tk GUIs, to whatever.

Just use your imagination ;-).

But in all seriousness, it's not nearly as limiting as you are
imagining, and much more flexible than most of the examples you've
given.  There is always the problem of coding, though...


On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 13:36:11 +0100, Philippe Grosjean
<phgrosjean at sciviews.org> wrote:
> A.J. Rossini wrote:
> > Lisp and Emacs.
> >
> > Of course :-).
> I must admit I don't know much about Emacs. I installed it a while ago, and
> I use it when I can in order to learn it. But I don't see how I could use
> Emacs to build a GUI for R. Could you explain me, please.
> > Platform independence, and, as shown by JDEE, has a nice set of
> > modeling functions that can be applied.   CEDET provides UML style,
> > should anyone figure out useful mappings (I'm not releasing
> > my useless ones :-).  And given the similarity between the S4
> > object system and CLOS, one can leverage that as well.
> OK, now I think I figure out what you mean: you speak about using Emacs as a
> R IDE, isn't it? Excuse-me, I was not explicit enough. I am looking for an
> IDE _to build a platform independent GUI for R_, thus an IDE that would give
> me all I need to build the windows and dialog boxes quickly.
> Best,
> Philippe Grosjean
> ..............................................<°}))><........
> ) ) ) ) )
> ( ( ( ( (    Prof. Philippe Grosjean
> ) ) ) ) )
> ( ( ( ( (    Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems
> ) ) ) ) )   Mons-Hainaut University, Pentagone
> ( ( ( ( (    Academie Universitaire Wallonie-Bruxelles
> ) ) ) ) )   6, av du Champ de Mars, 7000 Mons, Belgium
> ( ( ( ( (
> ) ) ) ) )   phone: +, fax: +
> ( ( ( ( (    email: Philippe.Grosjean at umh.ac.be
> ) ) ) ) )
> ( ( ( ( (    web:   http://www.umh.ac.be/~econum
> ) ) ) ) )
> ..............................................................



A.J. Rossini
blindglobe at gmail.com

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