[R-gui] Interface for Edit-Plus Editor

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Sat Oct 4 12:57:10 MEST 2003

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Riddick <gr3k at virginia.edu>
>>>>>     on Fri, 3 Oct 2003 13:32:19 -0400 writes:

    Greg> I actually am trying to execute using a command passed
    Greg> to Rterm.exe.  I get the following output back to the
    Greg> editor:

Note that for ESS and windows, there's an extra command line
	Rterm.exe --ess  .....

which should help {but about which I don't know much more (since
I'm almost always using Unix alikes)}.


    Greg> ---------- R-batch ----------

    Greg> R : Copyright 2002, The R Development Core Team
    Greg> Version 1.6.1 (2002-11-01)

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    Greg> WARRANTY.  You are welcome to redistribute it under
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    Greg> *** Error: getline(): not interactive, use stdio.
    Greg> Normal Termination Output completed (1 sec consumed).

    Greg> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Duncan Murdoch"
    Greg> <dmurdoch at pair.com> To: "Greg Riddick"
    Greg> <gr3k at virginia.edu> Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003
    Greg> 1:27 PM Subject: Re: [R-gui] Interface for Edit-Plus
    Greg> Editor

    >> On Fri, 3 Oct 2003 10:12:42 -0400, "Greg Riddick"
    >> <gr3k at virginia.edu> wrote :
    >> >I'm trying to develop an interface between R and the
    >> Editplus editor (for
    Greg> Windows). http://www.editplus.com/
    >> >Editplus can be customized to send files and selected
    >> text to an external
    Greg> program and capture the output.
    >> >I've tried using batch commands to R etc. without much
    >> success. Does
    Greg> anyone have experience they could share with me about
    Greg> interfacing editors to R in windows?
    >>  I don't have any experience with that.  However, if they
    >> can work with a console mode program, then rterm (not
    >> Rgui) is what you want to be executing.
    >> Duncan Murdoch

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