[R--gR] banlist

Sam Steingold sds at podval.org
Fri Mar 17 21:36:18 CET 2006

If I have several nodes (like "sex" and "year" in the "ksl" example)
that are known to be independent of the others and some other nodes that
are known not to influence anything, is there a simple way to specify
those edges by name?
E.g., something like
banlist(net) <-
           1:length(ksl)[1:length(ksl) <> POSITION(sex,ksl)]),
           1:length(ksl)[1:length(ksl) <> POSITION(year,ksl)]),

except that I don't know how to implement POSITION and CONCATENATE.


PS Thanks to Susanne for answering my previous question about <NA>.
   Are there plans to support them in the future?

Sam Steingold (http://www.podval.org/~sds) on Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz)
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