[R--gR] gR is alive and kicking

Steffen Lauritzen steffen at stats.ox.ac.uk
Wed Aug 11 12:48:49 CEST 2004

Dear gRs

The mailing list has been silent for a long time and this little newsletter
is an attempt to bring it a bit to life again.

Many things have indeed happened within gR:

Personally, I have moved to Oxford, but will continue my engagement in gR
from there, including my cooperation with the Danish gRoup. PostDoc
positions and money for targeted visits will be available in Oxford. My
coordinates are on this letter.

MIM has become open source, I hope David Edwards will write to the list and
give further details.

gRbase is on CRAN, using dynamicGraph to interact with model! Claus and
Soren will write separately on that.

CoCo, including CoCoCg is now fully operational within R, but not on CRAN.
Jens Henrik has already informed the list about this.

Mathias Drton has made a model selection program in R for Gaussian graphical
models, SIN, based on joint work with Michael Perlman using simultaneous
confidence intervals. First time the type I (or II?) error can be fully
controlled. I hope Mathias will inform you all separately on that.

the gRaph module in gRbase is not yet implemented but work on this will soon

I am sure that more has happened than this. Please tell us about it!

Keep up the good work and please discuss issues on this list rather than in
small groups, so we can combine efforts of all of us!

Best wishes to all
Steffen L. Lauritzen
Department of Statistics, University of Oxford
1 South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3TG, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1865 272877; Fax: +44 1865 272595
email: steffen at stats.ox.ac.uk

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