# #raster azoTS1<- raster("C:/Users/Documents/azoTS1.tif")#wgs84 #10 points boat <- read.table("C:/Users/Documents/10pontos.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)# #raster to transitionlayer trCostS4<- transition(1/azoTS1, mean, directions=4) # points to spatialpointsdataframe x=boat$Long1 y=boat$Lat1 head(boat) coords = cbind(x, y) plot(coords) sp = SpatialPoints(coords, proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84"), bbox = NULL) sp spdf=SpatialPointsDataFrame(sp,boat) spdf nrow(spdf) plot(sp,axes=TRUE) plot(spdf,add=TRUE, axes=TRUE) #shortestpath ## 1) this script only join the first point of the list and the last one, and the points in the middle are not used. CostpathSPdf <- shortestPath(trCostS4, spdf[1,], spdf[10,], output="SpatialLines") plot(CostpathSPdf,add=TRUE,axes=TRUE,col=2) ## 2) this script didn't work: Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class "SpatialLines" object: bbox should never contain infinite values nrow(spdf)#10 #fist way from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8127066/loop-or-sapply-function-for-multiple-least-cost-analysis-in-r?answertab=active#tab-top for(i in 1:nrow(spdf)) { # Computation Costpath <- shortestPath(trCostS4, spdf[i,], spdf[10,], output="SpatialLines") plot(Costpath) ### Here your instructions for a direct use of the result ### } #Error in validObject(.Object) : #invalid class "SpatialLines" object: bbox should never contain infinite values