gwr.mixed <- function(formula, data, regression.points, fixed.vars,intercept.fixed=FALSE, bw, diagnostic=T, kernel="bisquare", adaptive=FALSE, p=2, theta=0, longlat=F,dMat) { ##Record the start time timings <- list() timings[["start"]] <- Sys.time() ###################################macth the variables <- p4s <- as.character(NA) #####Check the given data frame and regression points #####Regression points if (missing(regression.points)) { rp.given <- FALSE regression.points <- data rp.locat<-coordinates(data) hatmatrix<-T } else { rp.given <- TRUE hatmatrix<-F if (is(regression.points, "Spatial")) { rp.locat<-coordinates(regression.points) } else if (is.numeric(regression.points) && dim(regression.points)[2] == 2) rp.locat<-regression.points else { warning("Output loactions are not packed in a Spatial object,and it has to be a two-column numeric vector") rp.locat<-dp.locat } } ##Data points{ if (is(data, "Spatial")) { p4s <- proj4string(data) dp.locat<-coordinates(data) data <- as(data, "data.frame") } else { stop("Given regression data must be Spatial*DataFrame") } #########Distance matrix is given or not dp.n <- nrow(dp.locat) rp.n <- nrow(rp.locat) if (missing(dMat)) { DM.given<-F DM1.given<-F if(dp.n + rp.n <= 10000) { dMat <- gw.dist(dp.locat=dp.locat, rp.locat=rp.locat, p=p, theta=theta, longlat=longlat) DM.given<-T } } else { DM.given<-T DM1.given<-T dim.dMat<-dim(dMat) if (dim.dMat[1]!=dp.n||dim.dMat[2]!=rp.n) stop("Dimensions of dMat are not correct") } #################### ######Extract the data frame mf <- = FALSE) m <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0L) mf <- mf[c(1L, m)] mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE mf[[1L]] <-"model.frame") mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame()) mt <- attr(mf, "terms") y <- model.extract(mf, "response") x <- model.matrix(mt, mf) idx1 <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(x)) if(! colnames(x)[idx1]<-"Intercept" #colnames(x)[1]<-"Intercept" if (missing(fixed.vars)) { warning("No independent variables in the formula is specified as fixed terms!") if(!intercept.fixed) stop("Please use basic GWR function to calibrate this model") } else { if(intercept.fixed) fixed.vars <- c("Intercept", fixed.vars) } idx.fixed <- match(fixed.vars, colnames(x)) x1 <- x[, -idx.fixed] x2<- x[, idx.fixed] if (!is.null(x1)) x1 <- as.matrix(x1, nrow = dp.n) if (!is.null(x2)) x2 <- as.matrix(x2, nrow = dp.n) colnames(x1) <- colnames(x)[-idx.fixed] colnames(x2) <- colnames(x)[idx.fixed] y <- as.matrix(y, nrow = dp.n) model <- gwr.mixed.2(x1, x2, y, dp.locat, out.loc=rp.locat, adaptive=adaptive, bw=bw, kernel=kernel, p=p, theta=theta, longlat=longlat,dMat) res <- list() res$local <- model$local res$global <- apply(model$global,2,mean,na.rm=T) mgwr.df <- data.frame(model$local, model$global) colnames(mgwr.df) <- c(paste(colnames(x1), "L", sep="_"), paste(colnames(x2), "F", sep="_")) rownames(rp.locat)<-rownames(mgwr.df) griddedObj <- F if (is(regression.points, "Spatial")) { if (is(regression.points, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) { polygons<-polygons(regression.points) #SpatialPolygons(regression.points) #rownames(mgwr.df) <- sapply(slot(polygons, "polygons"), # function(i) slot(i, "ID")) SDF <-SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr=polygons, data=mgwr.df, match.ID=F) } else { griddedObj <- gridded(regression.points) SDF <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=rp.locat, data=mgwr.df, proj4string=CRS(p4s), match.ID=F) gridded(SDF) <- griddedObj } } else SDF <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=rp.locat, data=mgwr.df, proj4string=CRS(p4s), match.ID=F) # # if (is(regression.points, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) # { # polygons<-polygons(regression.points) # #SpatialPolygons(regression.points) # rownames(mgwr.df) <- sapply(slot(polygons, "polygons"), # function(i) slot(i, "ID")) # SDF <-SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr=polygons, data=mgwr.df) # } # else # SDF <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=rp.locat, data=mgwr.df, proj4string=CRS(p4s), match.ID=F) res$SDF <- SDF if (diagnostic) { gwr.fitted <- function(x,b) apply(x*b,1,sum) edf <- gwr.mixed.trace(x1, x2, y, dp.locat, adaptive=adaptive, bw=bw, kernel=kernel, p=p, theta=theta, longlat=longlat,dMat=dMat) model2 <- gwr.mixed.2(x1, x2, y, dp.locat, adaptive=adaptive, bw=bw, kernel=kernel, p=p, theta=theta, longlat=longlat,dMat=dMat) rss <- sum((y - gwr.fitted(model2$global, x2) - gwr.fitted(model2$local,x1))^2) n1 <- length(y) sigma.aic <- rss / n1 aic <- log(sigma.aic*2*pi) + 1 + 2*(edf + 1)/(n1 - edf - 2) aic <- n1*aic res$aic <- aic res$df.used <- edf res$rss <- rss } GW.arguments<-list(formula=formula,rp.given=rp.given,hatmatrix=hatmatrix,bw=bw, kernel=kernel,adaptive=adaptive, p=p, theta=theta, longlat=longlat,DM.given=DM1.given,diagnostic=diagnostic) res$GW.arguments <- GW.arguments res$ <- timings[["stop"]] <- Sys.time() res$timings <- timings class(res) <- "mgwr" res}