<div>Hi Everyone </div>
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<div>Happy Christmas!</div>
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<div>I have tried several days but cannot solve the problem. Can any one help me ? Below is R command for a simple spatial regression. The data is attached.</div>
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<div><font color="#3333ff">library(spdep)<br>library(sphet)</font></div>
<div><font color="#3333ff">mat0 <- read.table("50state1.txt", header=FALSE, sep="\t", fill=TRUE)<br>mat <- as.matrix(mat0)<br>dim(mat)<br>summary(c(mat))<br>mat[<a href="http://is.na">is.na</a>(mat)] <- 0<br>
summary(c(mat))<br>lw <- mat2listw(mat, style="B")<br>summary(lw, zero.policy=TRUE)<br>is.symmetric.nb(lw$neighbours)</font></div>
<p><font color="#3333ff">lit <- read.csv(file="lit1.csv", h=T, sep= ",")</font></p>
<div><font color="#3333ff">sarml <- lagsarlm(lpax2010 ~ sh65up + lpoptot + lypc, data = lit, listw = lw, method ="eigen", zero.policy=TRUE)<br>summary(sarml)</font></div>
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<div>Thank you very much</div>
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<div> Fairy</div>
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