library(SDMTools)#load necessary libraries future.dir= 'E:/SEABat/new/future/' current.dir = 'E:/SEABat/new/current/'; setwd(current.dir) #define & set the working directory - current out.dir = 'E:/SEABat/new/overlap/';dir.create(out.dir); ###01.create a vector of species names files=list.files(pattern='_binary') #get a list of files in your working directory that include 'asc' files=grep('.asc',files,value=T) species=NULL #create the object name of your vector spp=NULL #create a temporary object name for elements of your vector for(file in files) { cat(file,'\n') #loop through the files, and for each file, complete the following: spp=strsplit(file,'\\.') #split your file name by '.' the two resulting elements will be 'Rhinolophus_sp' and 'asc' spp=spp[[1]][1] #select the first of your two elements and call it 'spp'. spp will be 'Rhinolophus_sp' if(length(species)==0){ #if species is still null, ie no species in your vector yet species=spp #then add the first species } else { #once you have one species already in the vector species=c(species,spp)} #bind each new species to it } cols = c('gray86','red3','forestgreen','blue') overlap=NULL overlap.matrix=NULL out=NULL spp_name=NULL for (spp in species) { #setup some plot parameters legend.pnts = cbind(c(93,91,91,93),c(2,2,7.5,7.5)) #read in the current binary ascii current = read.asc.gz(paste(spp,'.asc.gz',sep='')) cs.current=ClassStat(current, latlon=TRUE) cs.current$total.area = cs.current$total.area / 1000000000 #area, 1000s km^2 #read in the future binary ascii future = read.asc.gz(paste(future.dir, spp,'.asc.gz',sep='')) future[which(is.finite(future) & future>threshold)] = 2 #set all parts of the species distribuiton to 2 future[which(future<1)]=0 cs.future=ClassStat(future, latlon=TRUE) cs.future$total.area = cs.future$total.area / 1000000000 #area, 1000s km^2 overlap=current+future cs.overlap=ClassStat(overlap, latlon=TRUE) cs.overlap$total.area = cs.overlap$total.area / 1000000000 #area, 1000s km^2 out=matrix(NA,nr=1,ncol=3) colnames(out)=c('current','future','overlap') out$current=cs.current[2,3] out$future=cs.future[2,3] out$overlap=cs.overlap[4,3] write.csv(out, paste(out.dir, spp, '_area.csv')) write.asc.gz(overlap,paste(out.dir, spp, '_overlap.asc', sep='')) spp_name=strsplit(spp,'_')[[1]][1:2] spp_name=paste(spp_name[1], '_', spp_name[2]) if (is.null(overlap.matrix)){ overlap.matrix=cbind(spp_name,out) } else { overlap.matrix=rbind(overlap.matrix,cbind(spp_name,out)) } png(paste(out.dir, spp,'_overlap.png', sep=''), width=nrow(bat.asc),height=ncol(bat.asc), units='px', res=300, pointsize=5, bg='white') #start the plot par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)+0.1) #remove any plot margins image(overlap, ann=FALSE,axes=FALSE,col=cols, zlim=c(0,3)) #plot the richness legend.gradient(legend.pnts,cols=cols,limits=c(0,3), title='overlap', cex=2) } write.csv(overlap.matrix, paste(out.dir, "all_species.csv",sep=''))