setwd("C:/Users/mpavlic/Desktop/TEMP") library(sqldf) library(gstat) library(lattice) DF<-read.csv("temp1.csv", sep=";", dec=".", head=T) attach(DF) coordinates(DF) <-~Y+X spplot(DF, zcol="Globina", col.regions=c("red", "green", "blue", "orange", "black"),"right", cex=sqrt(Globina)/3, pch=20, cuts=seq(0,50, by=10)) # variogram globin vrtin --------------- ### OK without ANIS v.ok<-variogram(Globina~1, data=DF, cutoff=3600) plot(v.ok, type="b", plot.numbers=T) vm.ok<-vgm(40, "Pen", 1300, 15) (vmf.ok <- fit.variogram(v.ok, vm.ok )) print(plot(v.ok, plot.numbers = F, pch = 20, col = "darkblue", model = vmf.ok)) ##### CREATE GRID -------------------------- ### set rages of GRID x.range <- as.integer(range(DF@coords[,1])) y.range <- as.integer(range(DF@coords[,2])) ### set resolution of grid and create grid GridRes<-100 grd<-expand.grid(x=seq(from=x.range[1], to=x.range[2], by=GridRes), y=seq(from=y.range[1], to=y.range[2], by=GridRes)) coordinates(grd)<-~x+y gridded(grd)<-T ### sync names of grid and points dimnames(coordinates(DF)) dimnames(coordinates(grd)) dimnames(grd@coords) <-list(NULL,c("X", "Y")) dimnames(grd@bbox) <-list(c("X", "Y")) ### check the plots of grid and point plot(grd, col="lightgrey") points(DF, col="red", pch=14, cex=0.33) ##### PREDICTION -------------------------- ### OK without anisotropy z.ok<-krige(Globina~1, DF, grd, vmf.ok) print(spplot(z.ok, zcol="var1.pred", col.regions=terrain.colors(64),contour=T, pretty=T, cuts=15,"right"), position=c(0,0,.33, 1), more=T) print(spplot(z.ok, zcol="var1.var", col.regions=terrain.colors(64), contour=T, pretty=T, cuts=15,"right")) ##### UNIVERSAL KRIGING ### trend surface 2.order ts2<-krige(Globina~I(Y^2)+I(X^2)+I(Y)+I(X), loc=DF, newdata=grd, model=NULL) print(spplot(ts1, zcol="var1.pred", contour=T, pretty=T, col.regions=terrain.colors(15))) summary(ts2) #linear model ts2 (lm.ts2<-lm(Globina~I(Y^2)+I(X^2)+I(Y)+I(X), data=DF)) summary(lm.ts2) ### variogram of residuals v.u<-variogram(Globina~I(Y^2)+I(X^2)+I(X)+I(Y), data=DF, cutoff=3600) plot(v.u2, type="b", plot.numbers=T) vm.u<-vgm(35, "Cir", 1000, 15) (vf.u<-fit.variogram(v.u, vm.u)) print(plot(v.u, plot.numbers = F, pch = 20, col = "darkblue", model = vf.u)) ### variogram and variogram of residuals compare.variogram<-data.frame(np = v.ok$np, separation = v.ok$dist, gamma.ok = v.ok$gamma, = v.u$gamma, gamma.dif = v.ok$gamma -v.u$gamma) print(compare.variogram) ### compare variogram and variogram of residuals plot(compare.variogram$gamma.ok ~ compare.variogram$separation, pch = 20, col = "blue", type = "b", xlab = "Separation", ylab = "Semivariance",main = "Variogram, Jura Cobalt (ppm)", sub = "OK: blue, UK: green") points(compare.variogram$ ~ compare.variogram$separation, pch = 20, col = "green", type = "b") ### fit variogram of residuals vr.u <- variogram(Globina ~ I(Y^2)+I(X^2)+I(X)+I(Y), loc = DF, cutoff = 3600) vrm.u<-vgm(35, "Cir", 1300, 15) (vrmf.u<-fit.variogram(vr.u, vrm.u)) print(plot(vr.u, plot.numbers = F, pch = 20, col = "darkblue", model = vrmf.u)) ### difference OK - UK (r.range<-vmf.ok$range-vrmf.u$range) (r.sill<-vmf.ok$sill-vrmf.u$sill)<-krige(Globina~I(Y^2)+I(X^2)+I(X)+I(Y), DF, grd, vrmf.u) print(spplot(, zcol="var1.pred", col.regions=terrain.colors(64),contour=T, pretty=T, cuts=15,"right"), position=c(0.33, 0, .66, 1), more=T) print(spplot(, zcol="var1.var", col.regions=terrain.colors(64), contour=T, pretty=T, cuts=15,"right")) summary($var1.pred) summary(DF$Globina) ### plot differences <- data.frame(pred = z.ok$var1.pred -$var1.pred, var = z.ok$var1.var -$var1.var) str( coordinates( <- coordinates( print(spplot(, zcol = "pred", pretty = T, cuts = 8, col.regions = terrain.colors(64), = "right"))