Hi Nils, I'm no expert and I've only done this once for a "small" dataset with a big polygon file... but have a look at ?sp::overlay Kind regards, Sean O'Riordain Dublin On 7 January 2011 10:37, Breitbach, Nils wrote: > Derar community, > > this time I need to find habitat type on given location for a huge number > of points. I have two layers: the first (upper) one is a point shape with > approx. 100,000 point locations; the second one is a polygon shape with many > features containing habitat types (on a very fine scale). Now, I need the > habitat type "under" every point or better said for every point location. > > The "Spatial Join" Tool in ESRI's ArcGIS would do exactly what I need but > since I did all my analyses with R so far I really would like to avoid the > permanent jumping between R and ArcGIS. Is there a function in R that solves > my problem? > > Cheers, > > Nils > _______________________________________________ > R-sig-Geo mailing list > R-sig-Geo@r-project.org > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]