[R-sig-Geo] Enhance your coding skills for handling geographical data!!

Giuseppe Amatulli g|u@eppe@@m@tu||| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Mar 21 12:19:01 CET 2024

Dear Colleagues,
there are few seats left for the

*"GEO-OPEN-HACK-2024: Big Geospatial Data Hackathon
with Open Infrastructure and Tools (advance level)" *(
-big-geospatial-data-hackathon-with-open-infrastructure-and-tools ) with
the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in
Laxenburg, Austria.

This event will push the geo-computation to the next level, dealing with
HPC and cloud solutions for handling massive geo-data. The hackathon is
designed for on-site attendance and you on-line, nonetheless the on-site
will gain the most from direct interaction with both instructors and the
class peers.

Please forward to announce these opportunities within your network. I wish
to have such courses during my Ph.D.!!


Giuseppe Amatulli  & the Spatial Ecology Team

Giuseppe Amatulli, Ph.D.

Research scientist at
School of the Environment
Yale University
New Haven, CT, USA
Twitter: @BigDataEcology
Teaching: http://spatial-ecology.net
Work:  https://environment.yale.edu/profile/giuseppe-amatulli/

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