[R-sig-Geo] Preprocess daily Black Marble (NVP46A2) nighttime light product

Nikolaos Tziokas n|ko@@tz|ok@@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Nov 8 11:18:18 CET 2023

I downloaded NASA's Black Marble daily product (VNP46A2) which is in h5
format (the data can be dowloaded from their website
<https://ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/search/order/1/VNP46A2--5000> (it's
free you just need to create and account) or from my GDrive
One needs to preprocess the data using the Scientific Data Sets (SDS)
included in the h5 file. Based on the User Guide, these are the following
parameters I need to account for:

Table 4, page 14, Value of QF_Cloud_Mask in the VNP46A1/VJ146A1 product:
Bit -- Flag description key -- Interpretation
0 -- Day/night -- 0 = Night
4-5 -- Cloud Mask Quality -- 11 = High
6-7 -- Cloud Detection Results & Confidence Indicator -- 00 = Confident
8 -- Shadow Detected -- 0 = No
9 -- Cirrus Detection (IR) (BTM15 – BTM16) -- 0 = No Cloud
10 -- Snow/ Ice Surface -- 0 = No Snow/Ice

Table 7, page 17, Values of the Mandatory_Quality_Flag in VNP46A2/VJ146A2
Value -- Retrieval quality -- Algorithm instance
00 -- High-quality -- Main algorithm (Persistent nighttime lights)

Table 8, page 17, Values of the Snow_Flag in VNP46A2/VJ146A2 product:
Flag description key -- Value -- Interpretation
Snow/ Ice Surface -- 00 -- No Snow/Ice

In the above tables I included the bit values I want to use to preprocess
the NTL product, called Gap_Filled_DNB_BRDFCorrected_NTL.

I am using R's terra package to preprocess the product. So far what I have
managed to do is:


wd <- "path/"

r <- rast(paste0(wd, "VNP46A2.A2018038.h28v07.001.2020333204506.h5"))

crs(r) <- "epsg:4326"

# dimensions

h = 28
v = 7

ext(r) = c(-180+h*10,-180+(h+1)*10, (8-v)*10,(8-v+1)*10) # up to this point
the code works well

# the tif images inside the h5 file (for the ifel function below)
ntl <- r[[3]] # this is the Gap_Filled_DNB_BRDFCorrected_NTL
latest_high_quality_retrieval <- r[[4]]
mandatory_quality_flag <- r[[5]]
qf_cloud_mask <- r[[6]]
snow_mask <- r[[7]]

# here is the issue!!!
result <- ifel(r[[4]] > 0 & r[[5]] == 00 & r[[6]] == 1 & r[[7]] == 00,
r[[3]], NA)

 # scale factor based on the User Guide table 6, page 16
result1 <- result * 0.1

writeRaster(result1, paste0(wd, "ntl.tif"), overwrite = TRUE)
The writeRaster function returns an empty raster with null values.

I can understand how to syntax the ifel for the Mandatory_Quality_Flag and
Snow_Flag but I can't understand how to syntax the bits for the

Could you help me syntax the ifel function properly using the bits from the
tables? In a very abstract sense, the ifel statement should say:

snow_flag is 00 AND
Mandatory_Quality_Flag is 00 AND
the bit 0 from the QF_Cloud_Mask is 0 AND
the bit 4-5 from the QF_Cloud_Mask is  11 AND
the bit 6-7 from the QF_Cloud_Mask is 0 AND
the bit 8 from the QF_Cloud_Mask is  0 AND
the bit 9 from the QF_Cloud_Mask is 0 AND
the bit 10 from the QF_Cloud_Mask is 0 THEN
keep the values of the Gap_Filled_DNB_BRDFCorrected_NTL ELSE
Tziokas Nikolaos

LinkedIn <http://linkedin.com/in/nikolaos-tziokas-896081130>

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