[R-sig-Geo] Adding a text-only label to a leaflet map?
Kevin Zembower
kev|n @end|ng |rom zembower@org
Thu Jun 1 21:29:05 CEST 2023
Hello, all,
With Ben and Olivier's help, I was able to plot my neighborhood's census
blocks and tracts on an OSM base map, with leaflet, without warnings.
My next problem is labeling the polygons I've plotted. Here's an example
of what I've tried so far:
## Reproducible example
options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)
rw_tracts <- tracts(state = "MD",
county = "Baltimore city",
year = "2020") %>%
filter(TRACTCE == "271101") %>%
st_transform('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')
lopot = labelOptions(noHide = TRUE,
direction = 'top',
textOnly = TRUE)
rw_tracts %>%
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addPolygons(color = "#00E600") %>%
## addAwesomeMarkers(lng = -76.62, lat = 39.352,
## label = "2711.01",
## labelOptions(
## noHide = TRUE,
## direction = 'top',
## textOnly = TRUE,
## opacity = 1,
## textsize = "60px",
## style = list(
## "color" = "#FFFFFF", ## "#00E600",
## "font-weight" = "bold")
## ),
## options = markerOptions(
## ## interactive = FALSE,
## ## clickable = FALSE,
## ## draggable = FALSE,
## ## keyboard = FALSE,
## ),
## ) %>%
lng = -76.63, lat = 39.36,
label = "2711.01",
style = list("color" = "#009900",
"font-weight" = "bold",
"font-size" = "60px")
) %>%
label = "2711.01",
lng = -76.613, lat = 39.348,
labelOptions(noHide = TRUE,
direction = 'top',
textOnly = TRUE,
opacity = 1,
textsize = "60px",
style = list("color" = "#FFFFFF", ## "#00E600",
"font-weight" = "bold")
So far, the addStaticLabels() example comes closest to what I want.
However, I need to move the label to a different location, and it
doesn't seem to respond to the lng and lat options (but doesn't throw an
error, either). Also, I'm concerned that the leafem package comes with a
warning that it's based on deprecated packages.
addAwesomeMarkers() put the marker when I wanted it, and my label
appeared when I clicked or moused over it, but I just want a static label.
addLabelOnlyMarker() seems designed for my use-case, but I can't get
anything to appear. Not sure what I'm doing wrong there.
Finally, all these methods seem like a lot of work. Am I overlooking
something simple? I just need static text, that I can control the
location, size and color of. Is this the way to do it?
Thanks, again, for your advice and guidance.
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