[R-sig-Geo] Re-scale units of coordinates in sf geometry?

Edzer Pebesma edzer@pebe@m@ @end|ng |rom un|-muen@ter@de
Wed Jan 25 18:49:21 CET 2023

I guess the question is: "safe for what?" - if numerical errors are a 
problem without rescaling, then you should do it. You might be able to 
choose the rescaling factor such that these errors are minimized.

On 25/01/2023 18:37, Steve Gutreuter wrote:
> Is it safe to re-scale sf geometry coordinates from meters to
> kilometers using, for example:
> sfobj$geometry <- sfobj$geometry / 1000
> It seems to work, but I understand too little about spatial data to
> know whether that practice is actually safe.  I am working with spatial
> data in a continental-scale equidistant conic projection, and the units
> are meters.  It seems that kilometers would be better suited stochastic
> partial differential equation modeling on a finite-element mesh, but
> maybe that is a moot point.
> Any and all advice will be much appreciated.
> Thanks!

Edzer Pebesma
Institute for Geoinformatics
Heisenbergstrasse 2, 48151 Muenster, Germany
Phone: +49 251 8333081

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