[R-sig-Geo] performing hydrological analysis in R.reg

Melanie Bacou me| @end|ng |rom mb@cou@com
Thu Sep 8 02:49:42 CEST 2022


You can take a look at the Hydrological R taskview (under section 
Hydrograph Analysis) https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Hydrology.html 
for a list of relevant packages and functions, in particular the 
vignette for package *HydroTSM*.


On 9/6/22 5:21 AM, sandeep thakur wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am new to geospatial analysis and would really appreciate some help in
> performing hydrological analysis using SRTM for a river basin. I want to
> estimate Morphometric indices and Geomorphic indices such as Stream Length
> gradient Index, Transverse topographic index, Hypsometric integral, Basin
> shape and valley to width ratio. I have been using ARC GIS and have done
> some processing but am in need of some guidance.
> I would really appreciate some help in this regard.
> Sincerely,
> Sandeep Thakur
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