[R-sig-Geo] moran test - Empty neighbour sets found
Roger Bivand
Roger@B|v@nd @end|ng |rom nhh@no
Tue Oct 12 15:19:53 CEST 2021
Please use plain text email only, HTML only makes things illegible.
The clear error message is: "Empty neighbour sets found", so you need to
continue to use the zero.policy=TRUE argument to assert how you want to
handle this problem.
On Mon, 11 Oct 2021, maria jesus herrerias wrote:
> Dear Roger,
> I try first with your suggestion for the map:
> library(rnaturalearth)
> spdf_world <- ne_countries(returnclass="sf")
> if (require(sp)) {
> plot(spdf_world)
> }
> names(spdf_world)
> [1] "scalerank" "featurecla" "labelrank" "sovereignt" "sov_a3"
> [6] "adm0_dif" "level" "type" "admin" "adm0_a3"
> [11] "geou_dif" "geounit" "gu_a3" "su_dif" "subunit"
> [16] "su_a3" "brk_diff" "name" "name_long" "brk_a3"
> [21] "brk_name" "brk_group" "abbrev" "postal" "formal_en"
> [26] "formal_fr" "note_adm0" "note_brk" "name_sort" "name_alt"
> [31] "mapcolor7" "mapcolor8" "mapcolor9" "mapcolor13" "pop_est"
> [36] "gdp_md_est" "pop_year" "lastcensus" "gdp_year" "economy"
> [41] "income_grp" "wikipedia" "fips_10" "iso_a2" "iso_a3"
> [46] "iso_n3" "un_a3" "wb_a2" "wb_a3" "woe_id"
> [51] "adm0_a3_is" "adm0_a3_us" "adm0_a3_un" "adm0_a3_wb" "continent"
> [56] "region_un" "subregion" "region_wb" "name_len" "long_len"
> [61] "abbrev_len" "tiny" "homepart" "geometry"
> spdf_world$geounit
> library(foreign)
> library(haven)
> setwd("C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/instituciones/revision energy
> economics/docs enviados/spatial test")
> x <- read.dta("C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/instituciones/revision energy
> economics/docs enviados/spatial test/high_spatial.dta")
> dta_cntries <- unique(x$geounit)
> library(sf)
> wrld_a <- aggregate(spdf_world, list(spdf_world$geounit), head, n=1)
> o <- match(dta_cntries, wrld_a$geounit)
> #Check if matching is right
> which(is.na(o))
> [1] 9
> dta_cntries[9] <- "France"
> o <- match(dta_cntries, spdf_world$geounit)
> o
> which(is.na(o))
> library(spdep)
> row.names(wrld_a) <- wrld_a$geounit
> nb <- poly2nb(wrld_a)
> nb1 <- subset(nb, 1:nrow(wrld_a) %in% o)
> Neighbour list object:
> Number of regions: 32
> Number of nonzero links: 24
> Percentage nonzero weights: 2.34375
> Average number of links: 0.75
> 17 regions with no links:
> Angola Dominican Republic East Timor Egypt Falkland Islands Fiji Gambia
> Guyana Liberia Malaysia Oman Papua New Guinea Puerto Rico Republic of
> Serbia Slovenia Sweden Uruguay
> Note for roger: this is wrong as I didn’t include these countries in the
> data (17 regions with no links)
> wrld_s <- wrld_a[1:nrow(wrld_a) %in% o,]
> nb2 <- poly2nb(wrld_s)
> all.equal(nb1, nb2, check.attributes=FALSE)
> [1] TRUE # subsetting well-done however.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> I try now with my map:
> #Spatial Dependence for Panel 32 regions from 1990-2014
> # The Spatial Matrix
> # Read the shapefile and set up the working directory.
> library(foreign)
> library(haven)
> setwd("C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/instituciones/revision energy
> economics/docs enviados/spatial test")
> x <- read.dta("C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/instituciones/revision energy
> economics/docs enviados/spatial test/high_spatial.dta")
> # Matching with stata file and shapefile by ID
> dta_cntries <- unique(x$OBJECTID)
> library(sf)
> wrld <- st_read("C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/instituciones/revision energy
> economics/docs
> enviados/Longitude_Graticules_and_World_Countries_Boundaries-shp/mapa1.shp")
> wrld_a <- aggregate(wrld, list(wrld$OBJECTID), head, n=1)
> o <- match(dta_cntries, wrld_a$OBJECTID)
> #Check if matching is right
> which(is.na(o))
> o <- match(dta_cntries, wrld$OBJECTID)
> o
> library(spdep)
> row.names(wrld_a) <- wrld_a$OBJECTID
> nb <- poly2nb(wrld_a, queen=TRUE)
> nb1 <- subset(nb, 1:nrow(wrld_a) %in% o)
> nb1llistw <- nb2listw(nb1,style = "W", zero.policy = TRUE)
> #high
> Neighbour list object:
> Number of regions: 32
> Number of nonzero links: 82
> Percentage nonzero weights: 8.007812
> Average number of links: 2.5625
> wrld_s <- wrld_a[1:nrow(wrld_a) %in% o,]
> nb2 <- poly2nb(wrld_s,queen=TRUE)
> all.equal(nb1, nb2, check.attributes=FALSE)
> [1] TRUE # subsetting well-done
> subworlddata <- wrld_s
> # Tranform the nb object into a matrix row standarised.
> sub.queen.w.Mat <- listw2mat(sub.queen.listw) # creates a standardized
> matrix (rows sum to 1)
> sub.queen.B.Mat <- nb2mat(sub.queen.nb, style='B',zero.policy=TRUE) # a
> simple binary matrix (rows sum to the number of neighbors)
> rownames(sub.queen.w.Mat) <- subworlddata$OBJECTID
> colnames(sub.queen.w.Mat) <- subworlddata$OBJECTID
> rownames(sub.queen.B.Mat) <- subworlddata$OBJECTID
> colnames(sub.queen.B.Mat) <- subworlddata$OBJECTID
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> sub.queen.w.Mat1 <-
> read.dta("C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/instituciones/revision energy
> economics/docs enviados/subqueenW.dta")
> sub.queen.B.Mat1 <-
> read.dta("C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/instituciones/revision energy
> economics/docs enviados/subqueenB.dta")
> sub.queen.w.Mat11 <- as.matrix(sub.queen.w.Mat1)
> rownames(sub.queen.w.Mat11) <- subworlddata$OBJECTID
> colnames(sub.queen.w.Mat11) <- subworlddata$OBJECTID
> sub.queen.lw.Mat11 <- mat2listw(sub.queen.w.Mat11)
> sub.queen.B.Mat11 <- as.matrix(sub.queen.B.Mat1)
> rownames(sub.queen.B.Mat11) <- subworlddata$OBJECTID
> colnames(sub.queen.B.Mat11) <- subworlddata$OBJECTID
> sub.queen.lB.Mat11 <- mat2listw(sub.queen.B.Mat11)
> listw1 <- sub.queen.lw.Mat11
> listw2 <- sub.queen.lB.Mat11
> sub.queen.lw.listw.Mat21 <- nb2listw(sub.queen.lw.Mat11$neighbours,
> style="W",zero.policy=TRUE)
> sub.queen.lB.listw.Mat21 <- nb2listw(sub.queen.lB.Mat11$neighbours,
> style="B",zero.policy=TRUE)
> # Summary Matrix nb object to listw
> listw21 <- sub.queen.lw.listw.Mat21
> listw22 <- sub.queen.lB.listw.Mat21
> ---------------------------------------------------
> library(plm)
> setwd("C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/instituciones/revision energy
> economics/code and data/quantile")
> x <- read.dta("C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/instituciones/revision energy
> economics/docs enviados/spatial test/high_spatial.dta")
> mydata <- pdata.frame(x, index = c("OBJECTID", "year"))
> **************************************
> #Variables.
> energy <- mydata$leic
> gdp <- mydata$lgdppcnewc
> gdp2 <- mydata$lgdppcnewc2
> fdi <- mydata$fdigc
> imports <- mydata$importsgc
> industry <- mydata$industrygc
> inst <- mydata$kun_legabsc
> ID <- mydata$OBJECTID
> time <- mydata$year
> **********************************
> #Define formula
> model.1 <- energy ~ gdp + gdp2 + fdi + imports + industry + inst
> ols.eq1 <- lm(model.1, data = mydata)
> summary(ols.eq1)
> lmMoranTest <- lm.morantest(ols.eq1,listw = nb2listw(nb1,style = "W",
> zero.policy = TRUE))
> lmMoranTest
> *Error in nb2listw(neighbours = subnb, glist = NULL, style = style,
> zero.policy = zero.policy) : *
> * Empty neighbour sets found*
> lmLMtests <- lm.LMtests(ols.eq1, listw = nb2listw(nb1,style = "W",
> zero.policy = TRUE), test=c("LMerr", "LMlag", "RLMerr", "RLMlag", "SARMA"))
> lmLMtests
> *Error in nb2listw(neighbours = subnb, glist = NULL, style = style,
> zero.policy = zero.policy) : *
> * Empty neighbour sets found*
> many thanks
> maria jesus
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Roger Bivand
Emeritus Professor
Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
Postboks 3490 Ytre Sandviken, 5045 Bergen, Norway.
e-mail: Roger.Bivand using nhh.no
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