[R-sig-Geo] Spatial layers for Europe at 30-m available as Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs (corrected)
Edzer Pebesma
edzer@pebe@m@ @end|ng |rom un|-muen@ter@de
Thu Mar 18 13:11:47 CET 2021
Thanks, Tom.
How can one use the .qml file you point to in an R workflow to get
category labels and colors for the COG data you shared originally?
On 16/03/2021 12:24, Tomislav Hengl wrote:
> Hi Edzer thanks for spotting this.
> Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs seems to be somewhat complicated when it comes
> to adding metadata etc in the tif file directly. For example, the COG
> validator reports:
> # rio cogeo validate
> /data/raster/lcv/lcv_landcover.hcl_lucas.corine.rf_p_30m_0..0cm_2019_eumap_epsg3035_v0.1.tif
> he following errors were found:
> - The offset of the main IFD should be < 300. It is 1681443308 instead
> - The offset of the IFD for overview of index 0 is 750, whereas it
> should be greater than the one of the main image, which is at byte
> 1681443308
> /data/raster/lcv/lcv_landcover.hcl_lucas.corine.rf_p_30m_0..0cm_2019_eumap_epsg3035_v0.1.tif
> is NOT a valid cloud optimized GeoTIFF
> But it seems that the tif fails the check, but works fine on the end.
> We are still only testing if this has any effect on speed of access etc.
> The worst case scenario is that users can not access the data because of
> some small glitch in the tif header.
> To produce a legend for land cover maps, we recommend using:
> https://gitlab.com/geoharmonizer_inea/spatial-layers/-/blob/master/map-style/lcv_landcover.hcl_lucas.corine.rf_p_30m_0..0cm_2000_eumap_epsg3035_v0.1.qml
> You can of course always visually check what you get via:
> https://maps.opendatascience.eu
> HTH,
> T. Hengl
> https://opengeohub.org/about
> On 3/15/21 4:40 PM, Edzer Pebesma wrote:
>> Hi Tom, great work!
>> When reading this either with terra or stars, as in
>> in.tif =
>> "/vsicurl/http://s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com/eumap/lcv/lcv_landcover.hcl_lucas.corine.rf_p_30m_0..0cm_2019_eumap_epsg3035_v0.1.tif"
>> library(terra)
>> # terra version 1.1.5
>> plot(rast(in.tif))
>> #library(raster)
>> #plot(raster(in.tif))
>> library(stars)
>> # Loading required package: abind
>> # Loading required package: sf
>> # Linking to GEOS 3.9.0, GDAL 3.2.1, PROJ 7.2.1
>> plot(read_stars(in.tif))
>> I see that both plots show a continuous raster, not a categorical. We
>> spent quite a bit of time recently in stars & tmap development to get
>> handling and plotting of categorical rasters right (including those
>> having a color table), but this file doesn't give proper access to the
>> categories.
>> The metadata tags do have them:
>> stars::gdal_metadata(in.tif)
>> # [1] "1=111 - Urban fabric"
>> # [2] "10=212 - Permanently irrigated arable land"
>> # [3] "11=213 - Rice fields"
>> # [4] "12=221 - Vineyards"
>> # [5] "13=222 - Fruit trees and berry plantations"
>> # [6] "14=223 - Olive groves"
>> # [7] "15=231 - Pastures"
>> # [8] "16=311 - Broad-leaved forest"
>> # [9] "17=312 - Coniferous forest"
>> # [10] "18=321 - Natural grasslands"
>> # [11] "19=322 - Moors and heathland"
>> # [12] "2=122 - Road and rail networks and associated land"
>> # [13] "20=323 - Sclerophyllous vegetation"
>> # [14] "21=324 - Transitional woodland-shrub"
>> # [15] "22=331 - Beaches, dunes, sands"
>> # [16] "23=332 - Bare rocks"
>> # [17] "24=333 - Sparsely vegetated areas"
>> # [18] "25=334 - Burnt areas"
>> # [19] "26=335 - Glaciers and perpetual snow"
>> # [20] "27=411 - Inland wetlands"
>> # [21] "28=421 - Maritime wetlands"
>> # [22] "29=511 - Water courses"
>> # [23] "3=123 - Port areas"
>> # [24] "30=512 - Water bodies"
>> # [25] "31=521 - Coastal lagoons"
>> # [26] "32=522 - Estuaries"
>> # [27] "33=523 - Sea and ocean"
>> # [28] "4=124 - Airports"
>> # [29] "5=131 - Mineral extraction sites"
>> # [30] "6=132 - Dump sites"
>> # [31] "7=133 - Construction sites"
>> # [32] "8=141 - Green urban areas"
>> # [33] "9=211 - Non-irrigated arable land"
>> # [34] "AREA_OR_POINT=Area"
>> but GDAL doesn't give access to those in a programmatic way. I've
>> tried to add a .aux.xml file with the table, this worked locally (for
>> both stars - after using droplevels() - and terra) and might as well
>> work over the /vsicurl connection. File attached.
>> Many regards,
>> On 02/03/2021 18:30, Tomislav Hengl wrote:
>>> We have mapped land cover classes for the 2000-2019 period for
>>> continental Europe at 30-m resolution using spatiotemporal Machine
>>> Learning (we used R and python for modeling). Explore the dynamic EU
>>> landscapes on your palm using the ODS-Europe viewer:
>>> https://maps.opendatascience.eu
>>> To access almost 10TB of data using R you use the terra or similar
>>> packages e.g.:
>>> R> library(terra)
>>> R> in.tif =
>>> "/vsicurl/http://s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com/eumap/lcv/lcv_landcover.hcl_lucas.corine.rf_p_30m_0..0cm_2019_eumap_epsg3035_v0.1.tif"
>>> R> tif = rast(in.tif)
>>> From here you can use any native operation e.g. to crop some polygon
>>> or resample / aggregate values (there is no need to download whole
>>> data sets). A detailed tutorial on how to work with Cloud Optimized
>>> GeoTiffs is available here:
>>> https://gitlab.com/openlandmap/global-layers/-/blob/master/tutorial/OpenLandMap_COG_tutorial.md.
>>> Complete list of Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs we produced so far for Europe
>>> is available here:
>>> https://gitlab.com/geoharmonizer_inea/eumap/-/blob/master/gh_raster_layers.csv
>>> If not otherwise specified, the data available on this portal is
>>> licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License
>>> <https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/> (ODbL) and/or Creative
>>> Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
>>> <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode> and/or
>>> Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
>>> <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode> International
>>> license (CC BY).
>>> Read more in:
>>> https://opengeohub.medium.com/europe-from-above-space-time-machine-learning-reveals-our-changing-environment-1b05cb7be520
>>> If you experience any technical problems or if you discover a bug,
>>> please report via:
>>> https://gitlab.com/geoharmonizer_inea/spatial-layers/-/issues
>>> T. Hengl
>>> https://opengeohub.org/about
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Edzer Pebesma
Institute for Geoinformatics
Heisenbergstrasse 2, 48151 Muenster, Germany
Phone: +49 251 8333081
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