[R-sig-Geo] OpenGeoHub Summer School / Rspatial virtual conference and webinars 1-3 Sept 2021

Tomislav Hengl tom@heng| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Jun 21 19:09:29 CEST 2021

The OpenGeoHub Summer School 2021 will be held from 1st to 3rd of 
September virtually, with all training sessions being broadcasted live 
on Zoom, giving everyone the opportunity to attend and network from 
anywhere on the globe.

This is a not-for-profit event. There will be NO registration fees for 
this event. In order to participate you will, however, need to register 
using eventbrite.com (we can host up to maximum of 500 participants). 
Deadline for registrations: 15 July 2021.

The Summer School 2021 will feature:

- Live presentations and demos by leading R and OSGeo developers;
- 2 days of training sessions and R / OSGeo tutorials;
- 1 day of R-Spatial workshops;
- Discussion panels and break-out rooms;
- Networking activities & entertainment.

The programme of the Summer School and link to registrations is 
available from:


Lecturers / topics (unsorted):

- Edzer Pebesma (Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster): 
"Spherical geometry",
- Gilberto Camara (National Institute for Space Research (INPE), 
Brazil): "Classifying remote sensing time series with SITS"
- Theresa Smith (Lecturer in Statistics, Departemen of Mathematical 
Sciences, University of Bath): "Analysing spatiotemporal disease/health 
- Gerard Heuvelink (Professor, Wageningen University and Senior 
Researcher, ISRIC World Soil Information): "Design-based methods for 
assessing map accuracy",
- Judith Verstegen (Assistant Professor, Geo-information Science at 
Wageningen University and Research): "Geosimulation using agent-based 
- Ege Rubak (Associate Professor, Aalborg University): "Analyzing 
spatial point patterns with spatstat",
- Sandra de Iaco (Professor, Università del Salento): "Modelling 
Spatiotemporal dependence",
- Robert Hijmans (Department of Environmental Science and Policy, 
University of California, Davis): "Raster analysis in R"
- Hanna Meyer (Professor Landscape Ecology, University of Münster): 
"Area of applicability of spatial prediction models",
- Marius Appel (Postdoctoral researcher in Geoinformatics, University of 
Münster): "Analyzing massive amounts of EO data in the cloud with R, 
gdalcubes, and STAC",
- Veronica Andreo (Researcher, Instituto de Altos Estudios Espaciales 
"Mario Gulich" Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y 
Tecnicas (CONICET): "Analysis of space-time satellite data for disease 
ecology applications with GRASS GIS and R stats",
- Jakub Nowosad (Assistant Professor, Institute of Geoecology and 
Geoinformation, Adam Mickiewicz University): "Geocomputation with R/ 
spatial segmentation",
Martijn Tennekes (Data Scientist, CBS Statistics Netherlands): 
"Visualisation of spatial data",


T. Hengl

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